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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431

Our School

Spring 2019

NURTURE QUESTIONS – Spring Term 18th March 2019


  1. Math’s week what did you enjoy about Math’s week?
  2. Math’s week what did you learn during Math’s week?
  3. Lunchtime arrangements what do you think of the new arrangement to having a sports coach every day as part of the lunchtime activity arrangements?
  4. Thursday P.E. Can you give feedback on the P.E. that you have with Mrs. O'Hare on a Thursday?
  5. Outside activities / Clubs What activities / clubs do you do outside of school? E.g. drama, learning an instrument (what type), learning a language, dancing etc.
  6. Well Being When things are difficult for you in school, what do you do?
  7. Well Being What could you do?
  8. Well Being How do we help each other?
  9. AOB