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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431


Welcome to Reception's Class Page 2023 - 2024


Welcome to Reception

Miss Miller (Class Teacher)

Mrs Dickinson (Teaching Assistant)

Week beginning 15th April 2024


The children this week have been making chocolate Easter nests to celebrate Easter.

On Friday they had fun with their Y6 friends making an Easter basket and hat.

Week beginning 25th March 2024

The children this week have been exploring the outdoors using the

magnifying glasses and binoculars hunting for God's smallest creatures. 

 Throughout the week the Y3-Y6s have been presenting a Holy Week reflection assembly.

The children have learnt a lot about Holy Week, please ask them about it.

Week beginning 18th March 2024

The children this week have had fun setting up their bike /scooter wash.

They had a great time using the IPads to take photos of the signs of Spring.

On Wednesday they participated in the Infant Toy Sale raising funds for

Mission Together and Shrewsbury Caritas.

Week beginning 11th March 2024

The children this week participated in a wonderful Liturgy

linked to our RE topic 'Getting to Know Jesus'.

Their behaviour was fantastic and they sang beautifully.

Thank you to Father Peter and all the grown ups who came.

Week beginning 4th March 2024

The children this week have learning about subtraction using a 10 frame.

They had great fun when they opened up a scooter / bike wash.

On Thursday it was World Book Day.

The children enjoyed participating in a wonderful assembly.

They spent time with their Y6 friends who read them stories

and then a special visitor came to class to read a story that they voted for.

Week beginning 26th February 2024

The children this week have continued to learn about the Season of Lent.

They have been playing in our Chinese restaurant.

On Thursday the children were great joining in with their Chinese banquet.

They enjoyed tasting new foods such as noodles, cabbage, prawn crackers and trying to use chopsticks! 

Thank you to Mr White who cooked the food and

brought the children a Chinese cookie and Chinese money for them to take home.

Week beginning 23rd February 2024

The children this week have been learning about Season of Lent.

They have written their Lenten promises - Pray, Fast, Give

We have also been learning about the Chinese New Year through stories, videos and craft work.

Week beginning 9th February 2024

The children this week have been having a go at labelling different animal parts on their own.

They have been learning about ESafety through the story 'Smartie the Penguin'. 

They have been using their voice linked to Mental Health week to answer some questions

e.g. What have they been proud of this week?

On Thursday they made pancakes and were allowed to

choose different ingredients to add on top, YUMMY!


Week beginning 2nd February 2024

The children this week have been

using their cutting skills to make their own snow flake and 

using loose parts to design their own snow flake.

They have worked together in teams to design and make their own camouflage dens to

hide from the crocodile and tiger in our class story

'Let's All Creep Through The Crocodile Creek'.

Week beginning 22nd January 2024

The children this week have been very busy!

We have used a program called 2Go to take a line on a journey,

team work making our large marble run, made our own snowmen with play dough,

made our own vehicles and participated in a transport survey.

Also everyone worked hard in our gymnastic lesson.

Mr Webb was very impressed with their attitude and movements.

Week beginning 15th January 2024

The children this week have enjoyed having fun in the snow.

The children wrote their names, numbers and draw pictures in the snow.

Different types of cakes and cookies were made

as well as some fantastic attempts at making a snowman.

Great fun was had by all!

Happy New Year

This week we have been learning all about the Epiphany

and about Jesus as a little boy.

In maths we have focused on the numbers 6, 7 and 8.

Week beginning 15th December 2023

The children this week have been fantastic superstars performing their play

'Tinsel and the Gigantic Star'.

Well done!

(More photos can be found in the Catholic section on the website under the RE section.)

Week beginning 4th December 2023

This week we had fun writing our name and making patterns in the frost!

Week beginning 4th December 2023

This week we have been busy learning our songs and parts for our Christmas play.

We have managed to still have some fun learning through play.

Monday 20th November 2023

Today we welcomed Father Peter and

our families into school to participate in our first class Liturgy.

We talked about God's World and how special we all are.

Week beginning 13th November 2023

We kicked off the week wearing odd socks and

painting our own odd socks linked to Anti-Bullying week.

Through various stories we have been talking about what makes a great friend.

We also have been learning all about Diwali.

In Maths we have learning about 2D shapes and have created our own pictures.


Week beginning 6th November  2023

This week we have have been learning about 3D shapes 

e.g. which shapes roll or stack.

On Friday we attended our 1st Remembrance Day assembly.


Week beginning 30th October 2023

This week we have watched a puppet show all about 'Jonah and the Whale'.

Thank you to Hazel Gove Baptist Church who came and performed it.

We had our 1st PE lesson with Mr Roberts.

The children we have enjoyed our new wigwam and water tray.

Thank you to the PTA who have brought us these and more many new things this term.

The children have had great fun!.

Week beginning 16th October 2023

This week we have enjoyed flying our paper Aeroplanes.

On Monday we went on an Autumn walk and

we have made an animal out of the Autumn items.

Week beginning 9th October 2023

This week we have enjoyed drawing a picture of our home and talking about it.

We have made a paper aeroplane linked to the story 'Peace at Last'.

I wonder which aeroplane will fly?

We have been making different amounts within 5 and

playing a counting on game using the numbers 1-5.

Week beginning 2nd October 2023

On Thursday we had a wonderful Special Friends Assembly. 

The children were Superstars!

(Please also look at the Y6 class page for more photos)

Week beginning 25th September 2023

This week we have enjoyed lots of different activities. 

We have had fun getting changed into our PE kits for the first time.

On Friday afternoon we got together with the Y6 children,

who shared with us their kites that they made in their DT lessons.

The children had great fun trying to fly them!

Week beginning 22nd September 2023

Well done to the Reception children for enjoying their first full week together.

We have enjoyed spending time in the computer suite learning how to play a game called Tizzy’s Toy Box.

In our RE we have begun to learn about God’s World. We have painted our favourite animal.

On Thursday we had a great time meeting the Y6 children. 

Week beginning 11th September 2023

Wow, what a busy week!

We have had our first go on the bikes and scooters.

Beginning of Reception

Welcome everyone to St Peter’s Reception Class Page.

The Reception staff have had a great time with the children getting to

know their names, as well as all their lovely personalities. 
