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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Mr O' Connor - Class Teacher

Mrs Coyle - Additional teaching support

Mrs Somerset - Teaching Assistant

RE Summer Term 2

Friday 21st June

What a busy week! Year 5 have worked extremely hard this week to ensure that they got the very most out of each activity they were involved in.

On Tuesday they visited St James' High School

Tuesday saw them act as mentor and referees for the infant sports day practice

On Thursday several children took part in a maths competition

Thursday was also the day of rehearsals for the music / coffee afternoon, Year 5 mass and the Year 5/6 production

Friday saw them perform at the music/ coffee afternoon for parents.


Well done Year 5!

Friday 24th May 


This morning Year 5 shared their PSHE work with the wider school community on the playground. Parents and children were invited to engage with the class at their information table about their topic 'Climate Change'.


As you will see from the pictures, the morning was a great success and the class were, as usual, fantastic at explaining their learning and engaging with their audience. Well done Year 5!


Thank you parents for all of your support and hard work!


Friday 10th May


The children worked very well in groups to produce 'free verse' poems based on our book 'The Ice Bear'. They stayed focused and determined throughout the task and the finished pieces of work were excellent!

Friday 5th April

On Monday morning we visited Hazel Grove Baptist church to experience their stunning Easter Trail. The children were treated to a fantastic retelling of the ancient story of Easter. The scene that were made and the props that we used left us all gobsmacked. We wrote letter this week thanking the Baptist Church for inviting us to their fantastic trail. The pictures will bot do it justice - it was amazing. 

Friday 29th March

This week we spent valuable time and effort creating our mother's Day cards. The children were determined to make theirs as good as they possibly could be. We hope you like them!

Friday 22nd March

This week has been particularly busy for Year 5. On Monday and Tuesday the majority of the class completed their Level 2 Bike Right qualification. They started practising their manoeuvres and hand signals in the playground before taking to the roads of Hazel Grove. The children were brilliant. They braved torrential rain and hail and came back smiling. What a class! Well done children.


They also prepared incredible Lenten games for the rest of the school to enjoy this week. There were target games, naming games, art games, search and retrieve games...the list goes on. Thank you to all of the parents who helped in making the games and taking the time to get resources for your child. We appreciate your efforts here at St Peter's. 

Friday 15th March


Perhaps unsurprisingly the highlight of this week was making our corner bookmarks! They are a combination of origami and craft. Once the children got the hang of the folds and the dimensions they were off! As you can see below there were some very inventive ideas! We even had a visit from Mrs Finan who loved the class' work. well done everyone.

Friday 15th February


What an amazing week at St Peter’s!

It’s probably easier to ask ‘What didn’t we do during maths week?’


Year 5 have:

  • Explored area and perimeter outside by making and investigating shapes
  • Solved tricky Race to Space activities
  • Worked hard physically and mentally in the Active Maths session
  • Competed in many Times Tables Rockstars challenges in the ICT Suite
  • Created very impressive maths-related artwork
  • Worked in teams during maths themed orienteering
  • Heard from Mr Kiersey (bank manager) about how maths is crucial in everyday life
  • Listened intently to Mrs Barlow talk about her use of maths every single day
  • Taken part in Stockport Grammar’s practical maths session
  • Enjoyed classroom maths carousel challenges


Well done children –amazing effort!


Friday 1st February


SNOW! The highlight (for the children) this week was definitely the snow! Each class enjoyed the weather outdoors, building snowmen and making snow angels. What a treat it is when the snow arrives. Unfortunately the weather meant that our trip to Harrytown was cancelled. hopefully it can be rearranged. 

Friday 25th January


We had a fantastic this week this week! the highlights include a visit from a lady who lived through WW2. Her story was amazing! We also debated whether zoos should be banned. The children worked very hard all week and we were lucky enough to welcome Miss McKeever into Y5 to judge the debate. The pictures are below. What a great week!



Friday 18th January


The highlight of the week has been the creative writing produced in year 5. We used the amazing book 'Flotsam' by David Weisner as a stimulus for our work. It tells the story of a young boy on a beach making an incredible discovery. The book is completely without words but the pictures tells the story very inventively. The children wrote the words to accompany sections of the story, using exciting and adventurous vocabulary.

Friday 11th January

Yesterday we started work on our Art topic 'Stockport and Manchester landmarks'. We looked at the work of LS Lowry and his Stockport Viaduct drawing in particular. We discussed his style and technique before trying our own version using charcoal. It was messy and quite squeaky! We will continue this work next week - watch this space!


This week the children also made an excellent start to their swimming programme. Well done children!

Wednesday 19th December


This week has been all about Christmas! On Monday we celebrated Gift Mass with Fr Peter and representatives from Salford and Shrewsbury. We also practiced for our Carol Service. On Tuesday we had our whole-school Christmas dinner as well as our class parties!  On Wednesday we celebrated an Advent assembly with Mrs Finan, practiced our carols again and then performed for parents in the afternoon! 


What a week!

Friday 7th December


This week's highlight has been the making of movie-style Advent posters. The children examined and discussed an interesting example found online before creating their own versions of it. The class used paper as their medium and expressed their feelings about Advent though the purple backgrounds and the crowns that adorned their bases. We found the artwork deeply symbolic and a fitting way to continue our Advent journey.

Fri 30th November


This week Year 5 were lucky enough to have a visit frmo Ms Hogan. she completed a fantastic activity with the class relating to 'friendship'. Using Lego as a stimulus the children created fantastic Lego friends!

Friday 23rd November


This week's highlight was our Moses inspired DT work. Check it out below!

Friday 16th November


One of the highlights of the past week has been our exploration of the Gospel story of Moses and the burning bush though art. We used soft chalk pastel on black card to interpret the sight that must have greeted Moses on top of the hill. The finished work is very impressive and is an abstract piece of work that has generated interesting conversation in year 5.

Friday 9th November


One of the highlights this week has undoubtedly been our poetry work. The children explored many different types of poems and completed detailed analyses of poetic features and language used to create mood and atmosphere. 


This week we also:


  • Learned about multiples and 'bus stop' division
  • Continued our exploration of plants and their parts' functions
  • Created some wonderful doves for our RE display
  • Posed questions to Noah relating to God's covenant with him



Friday 2nd November


This week we have:


  • Pulled apart the parts of a lily - labelling each element and describing its job
  • Explored factors in maths - common factors, prime factors, factor trees
  • Learned the poem 'Silver' off by heart
  • Written our own versions of 'Silver' with an emphasis on personification
  • Investigated the meaning and history of All Saints' Day
  • Celebrated All Saints' Day on Thursday morning.

Friday 12th October


This week, we were treated to a wonderful assembly by our friends at the Baptist church. We also made use of our fantastic Prayer Garden and held our Collective Worship there on Wednesday afternoon. 

Friday 5th October


In preparation for Friday's Harvest assembly, we created eye-catching ears of corn! There was a lot of work involved but we think it was worth it!

Friday 28th September


As part of our work on Pig Heart Boy we created poems based on the main character's overriding emotion at the moment: fear!

We are poets!

Friday 21st September

We are maths video tutorial presenters!


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video