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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1's class page!

We look forward to sharing what we have learned each week.

RE Summer Term 2

Friday 19th July


We became fantasy authors this week in Year 1! Our challenge began by creating and describing characters and settings for our own story. We then made a story plan and using our descriptive writing had to add more to our fantasy story. We learnt all about the different features of fantasy stories and loved pretending to step through a portal into our own fantasy world! Here are some pictures of our reactions.

Friday 12th July


This week Year 1 have been getting in the mood for summer! We went back in time to learn all about Victorian Seaside holidays! We made timelines of how seaside holidays had changed and explored the types of activities they enjoyed then compared with the ones we enjoy now!

Friday 5th July 2019


Another busy week in Year 1! In between lots of hard work we found some time to help our friends in Year 6 by creating some scenery for their upcoming end of year show! The children were extremely creative in the making of some jungle style plants and leaves. Well done!

Friday 28th June 2019


What a busy week we have had in Year 1! The children enjoyed a school trip to Knowsley Safari Park, took part in the infant sports day and managed to squeeze in lots of hard work as well! Here are a few snap shots of the week!

Friday 21st June 2019


Year 1 have spent the past two weeks learning all about instructions. After writing some excellent instructions the children had to follow them and create their own fruit salad! It was delicious and a huge success! Well done Year 1!

Friday 14th June


This week the children were very excited to have Mrs O'Hare back to help develop our PE lessons. The children had lots of fun working on their team work and communication skills to complete the challenges based on the story we used! Thanks Mrs O'Hare we can't wait to see you again next week!

This week, Year 1 took part in another wonderful class liturgy! The theme was 'Resurrection' and the children reflected on the events of Jesus' resurrection as well as linking it together with all of the amazing work they have done during this half term in R.E.
Their speaking and singing was wonderful, and all their hard work and efforts made the liturgy very special! Well done Year 1! You made me very proud and I know Father Peter and everyone else was too!

Year 1 had a surprise visit this week from some tadpoles that a member of the class had caught and are currently nurturing and caring for at home! The children loved looking at the tadpoles and discussing how they would grow and change over time into frogs and sharing all of their knowledge of amphibians! Thank you Eli for bringing them in and sharing this experience with everyone! Keep us updated on their progress!

What a week we have had! Year 1 have been busy perfecting their postcards! Watch the post carefully this weekend because a surprise awaits you!

Well done Year 1 for your AMAZING work all week! I am so proud of you!

This week the children have loved learning about letter writing. They learnt about different types of letters and explored the features of formal and informal letters. Working in partners, the children were given the role of detectives and had to investigate a selection of letters to uncover the taught features! Well done to our Year 1 detectives! 

Friday 26th April 2019


Year 1 celebrated St Georges day this week. They learnt a little about his life and used role play to re-enact the events of George slaying the dragon! Well done Year 1!

Friday 12th April 2019


The children spent this week learning about Holy Week. They were invited to watch assemblies by the children of Key Stage 2 about different days from the week. They also continued their learning and created brilliant information books all about Holy Week.

Friday 5th April 2019


Year 1 enjoyed making healthy alternatives to one of their favourite! The children have been learning about having a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle so decided to do some cooking for themselves to create healthy options! Well done Year 1, the pizzas were delicious!

Friday 29th March 2019


This week we have been looking at structuring a story. The children used their work on traditional tales to map out the story of Goldilocks and Three Bears. Well done Year 1 for another week of hard work!

Friday 22nd March 2019


This week Year 1 were lucky enough to take part in their own mini Olympics! In our topic work they have been learning all about the Olympics and Paralympics. The children of St Peters also enjoyed a visit from former professional pole vaulter and Irish National champion Sarah McKeever. She spoke to each class about her life as an athlete and the benefits of living a healthy and active lifestyle. She also spent the afternoon running training sessions for Year 1 and assisting them with their own Olympics! What a day we had! Well done Year 1, future Olympians in the making! 

Friday 15th March 2019


This week Year 1 started their singing lessons! We have been learning about animals and pets in our science lessons so we had lots of fun linking our music work to this topic! Have a listen to some of the songs we learnt and created!


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Friday 1st March 2019


The children had a visit this week from the poet Matt Goodfellow. The children loved hearing his poems and enjoyed the opportunity to join in with them as well as create their own! Well done children!


Still image for this video

Friday 15th February 2019


What an exciting week it has been! Maths Week sent a buzz around the school and Year 1 made sure to pack their week full of exciting new learning opportunities! Take a look at just some of the things we got up to!

Friday 8th February 2019


This week Year 1 have been working very hard! With preparations in full swing for the upcoming maths week the children were keen to start  working on different approaches to learn and practise their maths skills. They started using practical maths to help them partition numbers into tens and ones!

Friday 18th January 2018

This week the children have been learning about the soft 'c' and soft 'g' in Phonics. On Thursday they had to sort a variety of words according to the sound they made. I wonder if they can share the rule with you at home?  

Friday 11th January 2019

This week in PE, the children took on the role of the wild things from the book 'Where the Wild Things Are' by Maurice Sendak. They used a range of movements to create a short dance. 

Tuesday 18th December 2018

Year 1 had a great day celebrating 'Christmas Party Day'! We even had a special visitor in the afternoon! smiley

Friday 14th December 2018 

This week the children have been creating Christmas pictures using 2D shapes. After making their pictures,  they had to identify each 2D shape and write its name. Great job Year 1! 

Friday 7th December 2018 

This week the children performed at the 'Music and Coffee Afternoon'!

They were very impressive! smiley

My Movie Rudolph 1.mp4

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Friday 16th November 2018 

This week in Science the children have been testing a variety of different materials to find out which are the most effective for building a house for the three little pigs. 

Friday 9th November 2018

This week the children have created 'poppy collages' commemorating 100 years since the end of World War One.



Friday 2nd November 2018 

This week the children have recited a poem off by heart using actions they made up together as a class. 

You can find a video of them performing the poem below, enjoy! 

My Movie Poem.mp4

Still image for this video

Tuesday 16th October 2018 

Have you heard about 'Dough Disco' in Year 1? 

We have great fun practising our motor skills and coordination daily! 


Still image for this video

Friday 12th October 2018 

This week Year 1 have enjoyed making predictions about the story 'Billy's Bucket' by Kes Gray and Garry Parsons. 

Friday 5th October 2018 

This week the children have been enjoying practising their yoga skills in PE. They have been following the stories of Jaime from Cosmic Kids. 

Friday 28th September 2018 

This week the children have been identifying different coins up to 20p. Following this, they found different ways of making amounts from our toy price list. 

Friday 21st September 2018

This week the children have been painting and decorating their own parrot as shown by Isabella! Fantastic work Year 1! 

Friday 14th September 2018 

This week the children have been working hard to improve their understanding of number. They have completed a variety of learning tasks which have included; comparing, ordering and adding numbers together. 
