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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431

Our School

Autumn 2018

Nurture groups are held each school term. Groups are lead by a member of staff or a governor and include children from Reception to Year 6. At the meeting, the children are asked for their opinions and ideas on a range of aspects of school life.

NURTURE QUESTIONS – Autumn term 26th November 2018


  1. Can you give examples of when you have been involved in drama in school?
  2. What do you think about drama? How do you feel about drama?
  3. Trips - Last year there were more class trips, what did you think about the trips?
  4. What do you think about the ‘Circles’ activities?
  5. We are a school that work in a restorative way. Do you agree?
  6. What does a Restorative Approach mean to you?
  7. Is there anywhere that you don’t feel safe in school and why?
  8. Is there anywhere you feel safe in school and why?
  9. Is there anything that you are worried about?



