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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431


From 12.03.2021 Homework will be uploaded to your child's Google Classroom. 

Homework: Performing Christmas poems - Autumn 2, Week 6 - 11:12:20

Inference homework: Picture Inference - Autumn 2, Week 5 - 04.12.20

Spellings: Autumn 2, Week 5 - 04.12.20

X-tables & Divisions - Autumn 2, Week 5 - 04.12.20

Spellings: Autumn 2, Week 4 - 27.11.20

X-tables & Divisions - Autumn 2, Week 4 - 27.11.20

Spellings: Autumn 2, Set 3 - 20.11.20

X-Tables and Divisions - Autumn 2, Week 3 - 20.11.20

Maths Homework - Autumn 2, Set 3 - 20.11.20

X-Tables and Divisions - Autumn 2, Week 2

Spellings - Autumn 2, Set 1: 06/11/20

Spellings - Autumn 1, Set 5 - 16.10.20

English Poem: 16.10.20 - Practice to read with expression

RE Homework: 09.10.20 - Baptism memories

Spellings - Autumn 1, Set 4 - 09.10.20

02.10.20 - Maths Homework

I have uploaded two Maths homework sheets, the children only have to do one of them. 

The first sheet is a tricky problem solving sheet that covers adding and subtracting 1, 10 and 100 from to/various 3-digit numbers, which reinforces the work we have been doing in class this week.

The second sheet takes things one step further  To really extend the children’s thinking.

Have a look at them and the children can choose which sheet they would like to complete.

Thank you.

Mr. Webb

Spellings - Autumn 1, Set 3

Spellings - Autumn 1, Set 2

Autumn 1, Week 1 Spellings
