Year 2's PSHE topic for the half term has been all about how to stay safe online. We discussed what we like to do when we are online and learnt about certain dangers. The children worked in pairs to come up with catchy rhyming slogans to inform people how to stay safe on line. Some of the children presented their work to the school during our PSHE assembly.
This week, we completed our science investigation answering the question, 'which material is the most absorbent?'
We have had a brilliant time celebrating Reading Week in Year 2. Our theme has been comics and the children have all designed a comic based around their own superhero. We have had a great time reading various comics in class, as well as taking part in various special reading themed sessions and activities throughout the week.
On Thursday, we all dressed up as a character from a particular comic book. It was a brilliant day!
In Maths, we have been focusing on money. The children practiced making various amounts of money using coins and applied their skills to a range of problem solving activities and a very tricky coin investigation.
In our collective worship this week, we thought about the importance of trusting Jesus, just as Simon Peter and Andrew trusted Jesus when He asked them to be His Disciples.
This week we had a food tasting session in class. Linked to our Science work on healthy eating and a balanced diet, the children experienced tasting different proteins, carbohydrates, fruit, veg and fats. It was a great session in which the children worked with wonderful enthusiasm.
It has been a brilliant first week back after the Christmas holidays.
In PE, this half term we will be practicing a range of Sportshall Athletics events.
This week we practiced and developed our techniques for the Long Jump and the Triple Jump.
As part of Mission Day, Year 2 focused on the line of our school's mission statement:
"We love and help everyone because we are all God's special children."
The children designed and decorated their own hearts of love and helping hands, explaining ways in which they show love and help others. They then each wrote a 'You are Special' note to another member of our class, whose name they pulled randomly out of a box.
The children's work was all stuck into a mission day card, which we will keep on the Alter in our class and refer to throughout the year.
The children have all designed a skyline scene as part of their Great Fire of London art work. This week we had a 'fundamental skills' lesson, focusing on using scissors. The children practiced their cutting out skills in preparation for cutting out their GFOL skylines.
Year two have been working on telling the time on an analogue clock. We have been recapping and learning the o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to positions.
This week Year 2 had a special music lesson with Mr. Smith from the Stockport music service. The children collaborated and practiced playing various instruments, thinking about tempo, pace and rhythm.
Over the past few weeks Year 2 have been developing their skills to be sports leaders. This week we delivered a Sports Leaders Festival to Year 1. It was a great success and the children were fantastic leaders for the Year 1 children!
In Maths we have been focusing on Place Value. This week Year 2 used arrow cards to practically partition 2-digit numbers into tens and ones. They then ordered the 2-digit numbers they made from smallest to largest.
In PE, Year 2 have been working with Mrs. O'Hare, learning and gaining skills to become infant playground leaders. The children have thought about the skills needed to be an effective playground leader and have enjoyed learning a range of new games that they can now deliver to the children in Year 1 and Reception.
Year 2 have been investigating micro-habitats. The children enjoyed exploring the school grounds and school field to find mini beasts and identify their habitats.
This week the children all took part in an Active Maths session, combining their learning in Maths with exercise and physical activity. One group completed challenges and played games based around the < > and = signs, whilst another group competed in a team obstacle relay, focusing on + and -
This week all of Year 2 took part in a special cycling themed event in celebration of the Tour of Britain passing through Stockport. It was a fantastic morning in which all of the children worked through a carousel of activities including a scoot-fit session and a cycling fitness circuit. They were then all presented with a medal by Alan Newton, an Olympic Bronze medal winner in the team cycling event at the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki!