Year 1 2020-2021
Class Teacher: Miss McKeever
Teaching Assistants: Miss Carroll, Mrs Kok-Shun & Mrs Smith
Welcome to the Year 1 Class Page.
Please enjoy some weekly highlights of some of the wonderful things Year 1 have been working on.
Any homework resources will be listed under the current homework letter using the homework link below.
24.05.21 - 28.05.21
This week the children took part in a musical Jamobree with Mrs Henderson. Each class had to learn a song to perform and also got to take part in some musical activities. Year 1 learnt and performed 'You've Got A Friend In Me'. We loved the experience and can't wait to carry on with more music next half term!
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Austin & Roghan
Stars of the Week - Molly & Chloe.
17.05.21 - 21.05.21
This week the children have begun to learn about multiplication. The children have all worked extremely hard with this new topic and given each lesson their complete focus and enthusiasm. Well done Year 1 :)
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Lily-Anna.
Stars of the Week - Abigail & Theo.
10.05.21 - 14.05.21
This week in Art/D&T we began work on our new topic of using thread as a material. We learnt about the history of dreamcatchers and began to make our own. The children were excellent and handling quite a tricky new material to use to create a piece of work and can't wait to bring them home in a few weeks!
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Benedict.
Stars of the Week - Sydney & Amber.
04.05.21 - 07.05.21
This week we had our first tennis session with a coach from Davenport Tennis Club. The children were amazing and spent time perfecting their technique of serving the ball. The children can't wait for their next tennis lesson. Well done Year 1 :)
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Eoghan
Stars of the Week - Hattie and Adrian.
26.04.21 - 30.04.21
We have had so much fun learning about food for athletes and the different food groups and their benefits in D&T this term. This week Year 1 have written their own instructions for make fruit kebabs. The children had to challenge themselves to try some new fruits during the process. We had so much fun preparing and making our fruit kebabs. They were delicious!
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Abigail.
Stars of the Week - Gracie and Jacob.
19.04.21 - 23.04.21
This week the children learnt about St George. We began by understanding the story of how he came to be such a special person to many people and also linked our knowledge of him as patron Saint of England and began exploring some British Values.
We then took part in a special St George's Day disco to celebrate and were kindly given a drink and some treats from the PTA. (Thank you very much!)
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Sam.
Stars of the Week - Amelia and Jessica.
12.04.21 - 16.04.21
This week the children took part in a Spring walk around the school grounds. In groups they had to become detectives and look out for any signs of spring we had learnt about in our Science lessons. The children worked incredibly well as a team and found some brilliant early signs! Well done Year 1 :)
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Freddie C.
Stars of the Week - Tom and Freddie W.
29.03.21 - 01.04.21
What an incredible final week for our Spring term in Year 1!
The children have all worked incredibly hard and managed the return to school with the whole class extremely well.
We have had a lovely time celebrating all things Easter and continuing to strive towards our Year 1 goals. I am proud of everything they achieved and want to say a huge thank you for all the fun we have had together.
This half term the children have been working towards some special goals - in place of certificates this week, the children were working to win some Easter Eggs.
Well done to our Egg winners:
Hard worker - Eoghan.
Kind - Roghan and Oliwia.
Independent - Chloe and Aaira.
22.03.21 - 26.03.21
This week Year 1 took part in their Lenten fundraising for the charity Mission Together. They took part in a 'Y1 Disco Dance-athon', where they had to keep dancing for a full hour. After compiling a track list of their favourite songs the children transformed the hall into a disco arena, complete with glow sticks to get everyone in the disco spirit!
The class did an amazing job and had lots of fun whilst raising money to help others around the world. Please enjoy some photos of the children's 'Disco Dance-athon' below - apologies for the the blurry nature of some. It was hard to keep them still for long enough to take a photo as they couldn't stop dancing!
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Amber.
Stars of the Week - Amelia and Sydney.
15.03.21 - 19.03.21
The children have had another excellent week back in school.
This week we spent time celebrating the feast of St Patricks Day and St Joseph's Day. For St Patrick's day the children learnt about his history and explored some traditions and celebrations of the day. The class learnt some Irish dancing and enjoyed some Irish treats.
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Molly.
Stars of the Week - Freddie C and Jacob.
08.03.21 - 12.03.21
What a wonderful first week it has been with everyone back together!
We have enjoyed reconnecting with our friends and getting back into the swing of school with a full class after an unexpected period of time away.
We have had lots of fun and done some amazing work.
We want to say a huge thank you to all of our Year 1 families for their support and work over the last few months.
The children have returned with confidence, resilience and most importantly of all huge smiles :)
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Eoghan.
Stars of the Week - Roghan and Aaira.
14.12.20 - 18.12.20
We have had a wonderful week celebrating all things Christmas.
The children have worked exceptionally hard this term and have been a joy to be around especially during such a strange and challenging year.
They take everything in their stride and approach everything with a smile and positive attitude. I absolutely love being their teacher.
We hope you all have a relaxing and Merry Christmas.
See you all in 2021!
Love Team Year 1 :)
07.12.20 - 11.12.20
The children have been loving our class story of 'The Witches' by Roald Dahl. We spent some time on Monday enjoying the story in our school library. The children have loved listening to and engaging with this story are often on the lookout for signs of witches around them! Its been fantastic hearing their theories and discussions about the story and seeing how much they are enjoying getting lost in the magical world of reading. We love reading in Year 1!
With the unexpected bubble closure this week I just wanted to say a huge well done and thank you to all of Year 1 and their families.
Thank you for all your continued work to support the children learning from home. They are very much missed at school and there is a definitely a Year 1 shaped hole at St Peters right now! We hope you are all keeping safe and well.
I am missing you all very much and cannot wait to all be back together to celebrate the last day of term together with lots of fun and laughter :)
I was even sent a message from our cheeky class Elves Jingle and Belle...take a look Year 1!
30.11.20 - 04.12.20
This week the children began to explore the life of Queen Victoria within their History work. Having already learnt about the role of a Monarch, the children created crowns and had to select a rule they wanted to bring in if they were the Monarch. The children got to wear their crowns to help put them in a royal mindset for this lesson. They then began to learn about Queen Victoria's life and noted some key facts about her and used these to help put together a timeline of her life. The children finished the lesson with a hot seating activity where they had to come up with questions for Queen Victoria and had the chance to ask her.
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Hattie.
Stars of the Week - Roghan and Theo.
23.11.20 - 27.11.20
This week the children took part in some role play in RE. The class learnt about the events of The Visitation. The children listened to and discussed the story. Then in groups had to decide which characters they needed to include and plan how they would act out the parts of the story. After some rehearsal the children performed their short plays to the rest of the class in the Faith Room.
Well done Year 1 :)
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Jessica
Stars of the Week - Aaira and Benedict.
16.11.20 - 20.11.20
This week the children helped to re-design and decorate our class reading corner. The children discusses all the reasons they loved reading and wanted to create a reading tree full of their reasons and pictures of them enjoying different books. Take a look at the finished product on the photograph below. Well done Year 1 our reading corner looks amazing :)
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Gracie.
Stars of the Week - Eoghan and Lily-Anna.
09.11.20 - 13.11.20
This week the children spent time in their English, Religion and Topic lessons focusing on Remembrance Day and Remembrance Sunday.
The children learnt about the history of Remembrance day and why and how it is celebrated each year. They each helped to add a poppy to a class wreath ready to use during our two minute silence.
The children worked to create some acrostic poems focusing on the symbol of the poppy. They also wrote a prayer each and shared some of these in our collective worship within the week.
Well done Year 1 :)
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Xander
Stars of the Week - Aaira and Connie
02.11.20 - 06.11.20
This week the children helped to write and create their own liturgy. They looked back over their previous learning in RE and discussed what they had learnt and understood. From this, they helped to create a special liturgy to not only showcase their knowledge and understanding but also to say thank you to God for making such a wonderful world to live in. The children selected some songs to use and helped to create the liturgy display, using work from our topic.
Although it wasn't the same without having their grown ups there to share this celebration, please enjoy some photographs of the children's first class liturgy in Year 1.
Well done Year 1 :)
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Roghan
Stars of the Week - Hattie and Freddie C.
26.10.20 - 30.10.20
This week the children continued to work extremely hard, and after a busy first term enjoyed some well earned class treats for a fantastic start to the year and also for their efforts during last years RE Inspection.
The children got into the Halloween spirit and made some Halloween crafts and played some party games. The children also enjoyed a cinema afternoon with some tasty treats.
Well done Year 1, I am so proud of you all.
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Freddie W.
Stars of the Week - Amber and Jacob
Year 1 Open Evening 2020
Here are some photos to give you an insight in the world of Year 1 and their learning here at St Peters.
12.10.20 - 16.10.20
What a week it has been! So many highlights to choose from.
This week, in RE, the children learnt about the story of Noah's Ark. They learnt about the different symbols and their meanings and made a finger paint rainbow and hard to write the keywords from the story around their image. The children also, in collective worship, used the rainbow parachute to think about their love and hopes God can help with.
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Sydney
Stars of the Week - Sophia and Sam
05.10.20 - 09.10.20
After another fantastic week there have been plenty highlights to choose from.
This week, the children have worked hard on their number recognition, counting and sequencing of numbers and finding missing numbers. They rounded this work off with a game of Bingo!
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Theo
Stars of the Week - Oliwia and Chloe
28.09.20 - 02.10.20
This week the children have been working hard to understand and use finger spaces within their writing. Using a finger spacer aid, the children completed some SPAG activities using their basic writing skills.
Well done Year 1 :)
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Gracie
Stars of the Week - James and Arabella
21.09.20 - 25.09.20
This week in our Geography Topic lesson, we learnt about the UK. The children had to recognise and name the countries within the UK, their location and their capital cities. They had to, using our outdoor UK map, correctly label the each country and then, on their own UK map, locate label the capital cities. Well done Year 1 :)
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Jacob
Stars of the Week - Austin and Tom
14.09.20 - 18.09.20
This week the children took part, during PE, in an orienteering activity. The children had to solve jigsaws and other clues to solve the problem in hand. Well done Year 1, you were fantastic!
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Tom
Stars of the Week - Ellen and Verena
07.09.20 - 11.09.20
Welcome back Year 1 and your families!
After such a long unexpected break from school, it has been fantastic to see all the children again. This week we have had a lovely week getting to know one another and settling back into our new school routines. We have shared lots of laughter and stories about our time away from each other and thought about our hopes for this academic year. Keep your eyes peeled for how we chose to display our work in the coming weeks.
Well done to this weeks certificate winners:
Gold Award - Amelia
Stars of the Week - Xander and Abigail