Welcome to Reception
Miss Miller (Class Teacher)
Mrs Dickinson (Teaching Assistant Mon-Fri)
Mrs Quinn (Teaching Assistant Friday)
Week beginning the 17th July 2023
This week we have participated in the end of year Mass, Nurture groups (pupil voice) and
the Leavers assembly for our special friends.
On Monday we had an exciting morning bowling at Parrs Wood with our special friends.
Even the thunder storm didn't dampen anybody's spirits.
All the children had a fabulous time and there was a great excited buzz in the air.
Some of the Reception children even managed to get strikes on their 1st go!
The highest score overall was a 107 (Y6), but two Reception children came second and third.
Thank you to everyone who helped, as well as the PTA who provided the coach.
Week beginning the 10th July 2023
On Tuesday we were lucky enough to be part of an audience watching our Y6 special friends
perform their play ‘The Wizard of Oz’. They were fantastic!
We having been using 2D shapes to make our own animal pictures.
Week beginning the 3rd July 2023
On Wednesday the Reception children presented their 1st class assembly
to their Special Friends and parents.
The children read brilliantly telling everyone what they thought they have been good at this year,
that God wants us to use and enjoy the talents He has given us to make the world a better place.
The children had chosen 3 of their favourite songs that they have learnt this year to sing.
The assembly finished with the children sharing some of their favourite parts of Reception.
There were so many to choose from!
The Mission from the assembly for everyone to follow is
'Everybody has got a talent – it costs you nothing! Please make the most of it.'
Thank you to everyone for coming to the assembly.
Week beginning the 26th June 2023
This week we have been learning about St Peter and Paul.
Thank you Father Peter for our ice-cream treat.
We have been sorting out the dominoes, thinking about odds and evens.
Week beginning the 19th June 2023
This week we have been learning to 'bounce, clap and catch' a ball
in our PE lessons with Mr Roberts.
We have been learning all about odds and evens
and what it means to be part of the School and Parish community.
Friday 16th June 2023
Hot off the Press!
Reception have given their Special Friends their Leavers Hoodie in
todays Good Work Assembly.
Thank you, PTA for the kind gift.
Week beginning the 16th June 2023
This week we have been participating in our first sports day.
the children behaved brilliantly and showed great sportsmanship.
Thank you to everyone who came to cheer us on, including our Y6 Special Friends.
Thank you Mr Platt for our ice lollipop treat.
Week beginning the 26th May 2023
At the beginning of the week we watched some of our caterpillars hatch out of their cocoons
and then on Thursday afternoon we let the butterflies go.
Week beginning the 19th May 2023
This week we have been learning about doubles and symmetry linked to a butterfly.
The children have designed their own dinosaur dens either on their own or with friends.
The children have creatively used loose parts to decorate a 1-digit number of their choice.
Week beginning the 8th May 2023
This week we have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly,
learning about numbers that come in between 9 - 21 and
having fun with the blossom!
"It's snowing."
"I'm making a magic potion to turn people into frogs"
"Were working together to collect it like Tim the team worker."
Week beginning the 1st May 2023
This week we have been learning about subtraction and watching our class caterpillars grow.
We have designed a 2D shape dinosaur and
have used our phonics knowledge to label it's body parts.
Today we have learnt about the Coronation and celebrated it in different ways.
Week beginning the 24th April 2023
This week we have been learning about counting on in our Maths.
We have painted some beautiful sunflowers linked to the artist Van Gogh.
Week beginning the 17th April 2023
Happy Easter to everyone
We have had 2 busy days already in school!!!
We have made chocolate Easter nests, had fun with bubbles,
learnt about St George and spent time with our special Y6 friends making an Easter hat.
Week beginning the 27th March 2023
This week we have been learning more about the season of spring.
We have been exploring and learning about different minibeasts.
Week beginning the 20th March 2023
This week we have been participating in our class Liturgy sharing everything that we have
learnt linked to Mothers Day and Jesus Mother, Mary.
Thank you to Father Peter and everyone who came to join us on Monday.
On Tuesday it was World Down Syndrome Day and everyone came in their odd socks.
Week beginning the 13th March 2023
This week we have been learning all about someone Jesus helped to say sorry – Zacchaeus.
We have begun to learn about Spring and have planted our own bean seed.
We have used the Numicon to make some Spring pictures.
Week beginning the 6th March 2023
This week we have been learning all about length, height and weight.
We have been mixing colours to make green and orange.
On the computer we have been doing some spring maths.
Week beginning the 27th February 2023
Reception have had a busy start to this Spring term.
We have written our own Lenten promises.
On Thursday we all dressed up as a book character
e.g. a little girl who loves porridge, a boy who loves to fly, a rabbit who loves his Mummy..
Week beginning the 13th February 2023
This week we have been learning about what it is like for someone who is poorly and spends time in hospital. About the children’s experience of being ill and the people who helped them to get better
and about how Jesus helped a person who was ill and how He healed him: -
the story of 'Jesus curing a man at the pool', John 5: 1-9.
We have created a 'Connect' display linked to the Kandinsky work created last week on the computer,
as well as a “I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19) display.
Week beginning the 6th February 2023
This week we have have been learning all about 'connections' through stories
and the artist Kandinsky linked to Mental Health Week.
We have listened to the story 'Smartie the Penguin' linked to how to be safe on the internet.
On Thursday we had our Chinese banquet tasting noodles, vegetables and prawn crackers.
The children had a good go at using chop sticks.
Thank you to Mr White who came to cook for us.
Week beginning the 30th January 2023
This week we have have been busy learning how to use a ball to pass and trap.
We have been learning to write the Chinese numbers.
On Thursday afternoon we had great fun working in small teams to construct
a mode of transport like a plane.
The children had to listen to their friends, share ideas and work together to gather what they needed.
Lots of fun was had even though we got muddy!
Week beginning the 27th January 2023
This week we have have been busy sorting out objects to work out if the amount is either 9 or 10
and playing a 9 and 10 game with the 10 frames.
We have been learning to use a ball to bounce to a partner and catch it.
We have been making Chinese lanterns and Chinese dragons.
In ICT we have been using a program 2Go. The children have had to give the
computer instructions to make e.g. a ladybird move either around or to the flowers.
Week beginning the 16th January 2023
This week we have had great fun in the snow!
We have been writing our numbers and names, drawing pictures,
building snowman, making cakes, cookies and castles etc.
There was brilliant team work and sharing all round.
The children wouldn't stop talking with all their enthusiasm.
Happy New Year
This week we were lucky to have an extra PE lesson with Mr Ellis.
We had to move in different ways 'Walking through the Jungle'
and learn how to play a treasure game.
Last two weeks of December
Over the last 2 weeks the children have been learning all about Advent and
Christmas through a range of activities.
The children were fantastic stars performing the Nativity play 'Cock-a-Doodle Christmas'
We have been lucky to have had a visit from Father Christmas on party day.
Thank you very much for your lovely gifts and beautiful cards.
We hope you have a restful, fun filled Christmas.
We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.
Week beginning the 28th November 2022
Well done all the children in Reception for their wonderful class Liturgy all about God’s World.
A big thank you to Father Peter,
the staff / parents for preparing the children so well
and of course to all the visitors who joined us!
Week beginning 25th November 2022
This week we have been learning in Maths all about 1 less than.
We have learning how to use money in our shop.
Week beginning 7th November 2022
This week we have been learning more about the 3 Little Pigs.
Making Autumn jigsaws on the computer.
Learning about how to be a good friend and the special celebration of Hanukkah.
Week beginning 7th November 2022
This week we have been learning more about 2D Shapes and their properties.
We have used different shapes to create our own fireworks.
Week beginning 4th November 2022
This week we have been learning about Diwali through a story and video.
We have been testing different 3D shapes to see which ones can / cannot roll.
On Wednesday we used a painting program on the computer to create some fantastic fireworks.
We have enjoyed today, 'Break the Rules Day!'.
Week beginning 21st October 2022
This week have been busy doing lots of activities.
Week beginning 14th October 2022
One of the highlights of this week was going on an Autumn walk with a partner.
Then in class we have created one of God's wonderful creatures out of the things
we found on our Autumn walk.
Week beginning 3rd October 2022
Today we have had a wonderful Special Friends Assembly.
The children were Superstars!
(Please also look at the Y6 class page for more photos)
Week beginning 30th September 2022
This week have have begun to listen to the story 'Peace at Last.
We have been busy learning about the numbers 1, 2 and 3 in lots of different ways
e.g. sorting, finding, writing etc.
Week beginning 19th September 2022
Wow, another busy week!
We have had our first go on the school computers in our ICT suite playing lots of games
on a program called 'Tizzy's Toy Box' as well as our first PE lesson in the hall.
Beginning of Reception
Welcome everyone to St Peter’s Reception Class Page.
The Reception staff have had a great time with the children getting to
know their names, as well as all their lovely personalities.