Its been another busy week for Year 1. The children rounded off a fantastic week by imagining they were a monarch for the day and what they would do with their new found authority! The children each made a crown and recorded their new rules as a King or Queen!
For World Book Day this Year, the children of St Peter's focused on the Bible. They looked at a particular passage, quote or part of the Bible that they connected with and explore it further. Take a look at Year 1's work...
This week the children began their new topic 'Following Jesus'. The children learnt about the Gospel story about being 'Fishers of Men'. The children created some art work to reflect their understanding and thought about how they could be the best disciple possible to follow Jesus' example. The children used this work to add to a beautiful display within the school.
This week, St Peter's school enjoyed a reading week. Each class took part in many activities to promote and celebrate the skills and joy of reading across the curriculum. Take a look at the document attached to see what Year 1 got up to!
The children have been learning about letter writing over the past few weeks. They started by exploring letters and looking at their specific features. They then used our knowledge from our Topic work on Queen Victoria about stamps to help us with our work. Everyone even created their own stamp in a topic lesson! The children have been busy focusing on informal letters and have created something to share with their families. Keep and eye on the post over the next week for a special delivery!
Year 1 have been busy over the past few weeks developing their hockey skills during PE. It has been lovely to share their excitement and joy for the sport and all have worked very hard. They have also been taking part in our lunch time Hockey activities to continue to practise their new skills! Watch this space for more updates on their progress.
We have been busy in Year 1 this week finishing our work on Poems using the senses. The children helped to created a class poem about their school day using only their senses to create images of different parts of the day. Well done to all the children, you have created an exceptional class poem!
This week in Science the children continued their topic of Animals including Humans. They began by focusing on learning about humans firstly with Mrs Barker. The children have had great fun and hav even used class members to create human outlines!
Welcome back after a relaxing Christmas break! Year 1 have been working hard this week across all areas of the curriculum. We particularly enjoyed our first attempt at developing our skills and understanding of hockey during PE. Watch this space for further progress!
This week the children spent the week celebrating all things Christmas! We had a lovely Christmas Party full of games, dancing and laughter! We even had a surprise visit from Father Christmas! Have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Enjoy your holiday Year 1.
This week the children of EYFS and KS1 performed their Christmas Play of 'Hay Presto'. Year 1's performance was exceptional as they carried out their roles as narrators and musicians. Thank you to Year 1 for working so hard to learn lines, practising with instruments and singing. The show was a huge success and an enjoyable experience for all!
This week marked the beginning of Advent. In RE we learnt about Advent and why it is a special time for us. We created a class display to demonstrate our understanding of the use of an Advent wreath. Well done Year 1!
During our Mission Day, Year 1 focused on the line 'we love Jesus and try to share this love with others'. Year 1 discussed the ways we can show and share love and also recognised that we can have a love of doing things. We decided to share our love of dance with our friends in Year 2. Year 2 were invited to watch our final performance of our 'Cats' routine. What a success is was! Year 1 were all star performers and all work and photographs were created by the children. A special thanks to Mrs O'Hare for all her hard work and support with the routine. Well done everyone!
This week the children took their RE learning outdoors. We have been learning about Mary travelling a long journey to visit her cousin Elizabeth to share the news she was expecting a baby. The children created role plays, in pairs, and documented Mary's journey and interactions with Elizabeth. Amazing efforts all round! Well done :)
This week Year 1 were busy perfecting their 'Cats' inspired dance routine with Mrs O'Hare. The children have been working very hard with this routine preparing it for their showcase in a few weeks time. Watch this space for their final performance in the coming weeks!
On Monday Year 1 shared their first class Liturgy of this academic year. The children showed their knowledge and understanding of the 'Creation Story' from Genesis through their work, song and prayer. Thank you to Father Peter for helping Year 1 and to all who attended to reflect and celebrate with the children. Please enjoy some photos of the children from their Liturgy. Well done Year 1 :)
This week, Year 1 were lucky enough to have a visit from Mr Smith, from Stockport Music Service. He spent time with us exploring different instruments and helping us to learn to use them correctly. Year 1 also learnt some songs with Mr Smith where they had to focus on rhythm patterns. Year 1 loved seeing Mr Smith and are excited to continue to learn more in Music!
This week in English the children were looking at repeated songs and poems. We discussed a wide range of poems and songs the children knew and created a class list. The children also got to perform some of them! Here is just one of their fantastic performances...
Year 1 have been busy this half term, in Science, learning all about different types of materials. They have spent time considering the materials things are made from and the different ways they can recycle to help look after the environment. Excellent work Year 1!
The children began to think about Harvest. They learnt about where out food comes from how we gather it from the ground and use it to cook and eat. The children also confidently their presented their work in our PSHE assembly.
This week, we took our learning outside! Using our new markings in the playground, we completed lots of maths challenges! We spent time learning about different directions, using a compass (linked to our History/ICT work) Well done boys and girls! :)
This week the children enjoyed a pirate themed week. All their lessons were based around our History topic of Pirates. The children had lots of fun, especially during 'Talk Like A Pirate Day!'
This week we have been very busy! We started to get used to lots of new ways of learning across many different subjects. We particularly enjoyed learning about creating labels. We used chalk to draw around each other and label parts of our bodies.
We have had a fantastic start to Year 1 this week. We got to explore our classroom and other areas as well as creating some super work to display in our room! This year we are going to try lots of new things and have lots of fun!