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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431

Year 5


It was Sports Day this week!

All of the children in Year 5 (as well as the rest of the school!) competed brilliantly in the beanbag throw, sprint, sack race, obstacle race, egg and spoon race and the standing long jump!

It was a great afternoon of sporting fun in the sun!

Thank you to all of the parents' that came to cheer the children on!

It was a brilliant Sports Day 2024!

Friday 21st June

Year 5 have really been enjoying their new Street Art topic. This week, they all created their own graffiti 'throwies', which look absolutely brilliant and showcase the children's creativity and originality. Well done Year 5!


*photos to follow

Friday 14th June

For our enrichment time this week, Year 5 enjoyed a social emotional wellbeing session, in which they could choose an activity (Lego, reading, games or drawing) and enjoy the time outside, talking to and being with their friends.

Friday 24th May

As the sun was shining, this week we took the opportunity to head to the playground to carry on with our sewing work. Over the past couple of weeks, Year 5 have been sewing their own drawstring bags. The children are making great progress with their creations and developing their sewing skills.

Friday 17th May

As part of our Computing unit of work, Year 5 have really enjoyed creating and coding their own complicated maze game using Scratch. The have included features such as: collectable disappearing objects, wall sensors, a scoring system and a trimer to their games!

Friday 10th May

Year 5 enjoyed a BRILLIANT day at Jodrell Bank on Wednesday.

The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the Planet, Space and First Light Pavilions, before their session in the Space Dome.

It was a brilliant day in which all of the children were fully engrossed in the range of activities they participated in. Well done Year 5 and thank you for a fantastic day!

Friday 3rd May

We have started our new 'Extreme Earth' geography topic.

This week we enjoyed a fact finding task in which we had to find clues around the classroom to answer a series of questions about extreme weather conditions and incidents from around the world.

Friday 26th April

We are very excited as this term, David from Manchester Handball is coming in to deliver a series of Handball sessions for us.

Year 5 have really enjoyed learning a sport that was new to all of them. All of the children have participated in the sessions with great enthusiasm and enjoyment.

This week they practiced their passing and shooting techniques in game/competitive situations.

Friday 8th March

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day!

Year 5 really enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book characters.

Throughout the day, the children enjoyed completing a range of reading related activities in celebration of the day.


Thursday 29th February

This week was Year 5's turn to raise money for charity by leading the Lenten Games for the rest of the school at break and lunch times. The children worked brilliantly well together and created some amazing games that were thoroughly enjoyed by the other year groups.

Thank you for all of your hard work Year 5 - your amazing Lenten Games raised over £380!

You're all super stars!

Friday 23rd February

The children thoroughly enjoyed working in groups of three to create a series of freeze frames linked to our class text 'The Darkest Dark'.

Each group created six freeze frames, showing the six different parts of Chris' (the book's main character) strange night.

Friday 2nd February

On Wednesday Year 5 presented our assembly to the rest of the school, as well as the Year 5 parents.

The theme of our assembly was linked to our current RE topic of 'Inspirational People', and the children did a truly amazing job of presenting their work and key messages to the rest of the school.

From Taylor Swift to Dav Pilkey, Emmeline Pankhurst to Lionel Messi and Jesus to our own friends and family members, the children really captured what it is to be inspirational and how we can all be inspirational in our own lives.

Well done Year 5, you were AMAZING!

Friday 26th January

This week the children worked with Miss Payton to write some special notes to give to somebody special in their lives. The notes were ones of love, thanks and appreciation!

Year 5 have been focusing heavily on the overall standard of their handwriting over recent weeks, a key element they wanted to showcase in their special notes.

Well done children! 

Friday 18th January

Year 5 have started their new music topic: 'An introduction to song writing'.

The children have really enjoyed investigating the structures of different songs, identifying the intros, verses, chorus', bridges, hooks and outros. They have also discussed and identified various textures across different parts of a song.

As well as that, the children have enjoyed learning new songs and participating in a variety of fun musical warm ups and challenges.

Friday 12th January

Year 5 have really enjoyed their 'sculpting vases' art topic. The children started by studying different types of vases and completing an observational drawing task. Following that, they each planned and designed their own vase that they wanted to create.

They started their practical work by practicing making their vases using plasticine, where they experimented with various structural and decorative techniques, such as joining sides, making a bowl, creating plaits and adding adornments. It was then time to get the clay out and start making their final piece. The final stage was to decorate their vases with paint!

The children worked with wonderful enthusiasm throughout the topic and their final pieces look fantastic!

Well done Year 5!

Friday 5th January

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas!

We eased our way gently back into school life following the Christmas holidays with a nice little three day week!

Yesterday, Year 5 went to the ICT suite and completed a curriculum review quiz on the Kahoot website/app. The quiz contained 20 questions, recapping the four curriculum topics we have focused on so far this academic year: History - Ancient Greece, DT - Programming Pioneers, Geography - Investigating Rivers and Computing - Computer Network and App design.

The children really enjoyed completing the quiz!

Friday 22nd December

What an amazing way to end the year and head off into the Christmas holidays. Year 5 loved being a part of the Christmas Carol concert along with the rest of the juniors. 

The children's morning performance to the infants, as well as their big afternoon performance in front of a fully packed hall of parents were both absolutely amazing.

Well done children, you were BRILLIANT!

Friday 15th December

We were getting into the Christmas spirit this week and Year 5 especially enjoyed having our Christmas dinner along with the rest of the school in the hall. 

Thank you to Pam our cook and her amazing team in the kitchen. Christmas dinner was delicious!

Friday 8th December

In Computing, the children have been working in partners to design their very own apps! Working in the ICT suite, the children used PowerPoint to format their app designs, coming up with their own content, themes, styles and navigation features.

From Taylor Swift to Pokemon, football to cute animals and everything in between, Year 5 have created a fantastic and varied collection of apps!

Friday 1st December

In English, we have been enjoying reading 'The Lost Happy Endings', by Carol Ann Duffy.

This week, the children wrote a letter to Jub's cousin, from Jub's point of view, detailing what happened when she was attacked by the witch in the forest. After we read on a bit more and the story developed further, the children then debated whether Jub was actually a villain herself or not!

Friday 24th November

In Year 5, we have really enjoyed focusing on Dodgeball in PE this half term. We have worked hard to develop our technique and skills through a variety of different game types and activities.

Friday 3rd November

This week we started a mental health project with Nathan from Stockport County. Nathan will be working with Year 5 over the next six weeks, focusing on the importance of mental health through a variety of classroom based and practical activities.

This week, the children particularly enjoyed participating in a range of team building games.

Friday 13th October

This week, Year 5 finished choreographing our version of the Haka. The children have worked very hard over the past seven weeks and really enjoyed transforming themselves into Maori warriors!

I think the New Zealand All Blacks have some serious competition!

Well done children!

(video to follow)

Friday 6th October

In English, Year 5 have been reading 'Queen of the Falls' by Chris Van Allsburg. This week, the children worked in small groups to create freeze frames showing three different parts of Annie's journey from Fred's cottage to actually getting inside the barrel which she intends to be locked inside whilst toppling over Niagara Falls!

Friday 29th September

On Tuesday, we celebrated the European Day of Languages.

To celebrate, Year 5 focused on the German language and practiced both speaking and writing various German phrases, as well as numbers and days of the week.

Wir hatten eine schone Zeit!

Friday 22nd September

Our RE topic for this half term is Creation.

After reading Genesis 1:1-31, the children in Year 5 designed their own 'Creation Wheels', depicting what God created on each of the first six days, as well as the seventh day of rest.

Friday 15th September

We started our new PE Dance topic this week. The children have made a brilliant start to choreographing their own Haka. We very much look forward to building on our start over the next few weeks.

Year 5 - Dance - Choreographing our own - Haka week 1

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