50th Anniversary Year
As part of our 50th Anniversary year the children have contributed to a special prayer.
Please share this prayer with your child at home.
We will be including it at times when we pray during the final half term of this year.
Dear God,
Thank you for watching over our school community and
guiding St Peter's through the last 50 years.
We are proud to belong to St Peter's where many wonderful memories and
friendships have been made and will be made.
We pray that you continue to guide us now and into the future as we spread Your Word and Love, just as Jesus your Son taught us.
We have all experienced a very special year at St Peter's. The planned events involved children, parents, staff and governors in recognising all that we value about our school community.
We are committed to working together for the future.
A final day of celebration took place in July where all children enjoyed Circus Skills activities, new playground equipment and a picnic lunch. They also received a commemorative prayer card.
Thank you to everyone for their hard work in ensuring the success of our 50th anniversary special events.
Thank you to PTA 200 Club for funding towards our final day celebrations.