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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431

Our School


Many thanks for your interest in a place at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School.  We are delighted that you are considering our school for your child’s education and will help in any way we can to support potential parents through the process and decision making.  We are an extremely successful, popular, outstanding Catholic Primary School with an aim to provide your child with the very best Catholic education.  Our recent outcomes for pupils attainment and progress are well above average and place us as one of the highest performing schools in the country.


Please do take a look at our website for a ‘glimpse’ of our happy and caring school.  We provide opportunities for parents to visit our school to see for themselves the outstanding behaviour of our pupils alongside the quality of education on offer. Places are offered using our oversubscription criteria which can be found within our latest admissions policies below.


St Peter’s Catholic Primary School  is a Roman Catholic Voluntary Aided school, situated in the Diocese of Shrewsbury and is maintained by Stockport Local Authority. Admissions to the school are the responsibility of the Governing Body, in accordance with the stated parental preference, subject to the following set of Admission criteria forming a priority order where there are more applications for admission than the school has places available. The Governing Body has set its admission number at 30.  Our detailed admissions policies can be found below.

September 2025 Reception Admissions for the academic year 2025/26


If you would like to apply for a place in our Reception class for September 2025, please be aware that all applications for places MUST be made through Stockport Local Authority.  The main website for Stockport application can be found by following this link: Stockport Schools Admissions


We are holding an Open Morning on Monday 7th October at 9 am as well as an Open afternoon on Wednesday 9th October at 1.30pm.  To book a place, please contact our school at    Please do come and see our wonderful school in action!

In-Year Admissions - for places in school for our current Reception - Y6


Our school is open to both Catholic and non-Catholic applicants.  We are an extremely popular school.  An application can be made for a place for a child at any time outside the admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places.


If your child currently attends a school in Stockport, then applications for a potential change of school are made firstly through your child's current Headteacher. 


If your child does not attend a Stockport School, applications are made directly to the Local Authority by following this link: Stockport Schools Admissions  or telephoning 0161 217 6022.


Where there are places available but more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria, as set out in our admissions policy and published below, will be applied.  If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list. 


Oversubscription Criteria

Where there are more applications for places than the number of places available, places will be offered according to the following order of priority:-

  1. Catholic looked after and previously looked after children. (see notes 2&3)
  2. Catholic children who are resident in the parishes of St. Peter’s and St. Vincent’s Bramhall (see notes 3&7)
  3. Other Catholic children (see note 3)
  4. Other looked after and previously looked after children (see note 2)
  5. Any other children.

Within each of the categories listed above, the following provisions will be applied in the following order.

  1. The attendance of a brother or sister at the school at the time of enrolment will increase the priority of an application within each category so that the application will be placed at the top of the category in which the application is made after children in (1) above (see note 4).
  2. The children of staff will be given increased priority within each category so that the application will be placed at the top of the category in which the application is made after children in (1) above (see note 6).


You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful.


Please do not hesitate to contact the school office by phone on 0161 483 2431 if you require any further support. 




