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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431

Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 class page. Look out for updates every week.

7th July 2017 - During our topic work this week the children had to decide what items would be needed for one of the following; desert mission, mountain mission, forest mission or a deep sea mission. They worked in threes to decide which items they needed and why. 
23rd June 2017 - This week the children edited images by adding different effects. Here are a few examples below.

16th June 2017 - The children have been getting to grips with the new technology we have in school and sharing their learning about fire safety with the rest of the school during the PSHE assembly.

19th May 2017 - Healthy lifestyles week.

The children have had an excellent week learning about all aspects of keeping healthy, including dental health, mindfulness and exercise.

12th May 2017 - This week Year 2 have been working very hard to complete assessments. It has been hard work but everybody gave their best effort.
5th May 2017 - The children have been working very hard this week practising grammar, reading skills and problem solving in maths. They have been learning about directional language including clockwise, anticlockwise, quarter turn and half turn.
28th April 2017 - It's been a very busy week in Year 2! The children have completed lots of work and took part in a sitting volleyball tournament. It was a challenging game but all the children had lots of fun.
21st April 2017 - This week Year 2 have been creating storyboards showing the events of Holy Week and Easter Sunday.
31st March 2017 - This week the children have been fully immersed in our Lenten fundraising. They spent lots of money on the Year 3 Lenten games and then spent even more money at the Infant Toy Sale.


KS1 Assessment meeting for parents

The video below outlines much of the information that was shared during the parents meeting this week. I have also uploaded the handout as separate PDFs (reading and maths). If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me at school.

Mr Reynolds

Information for parents: 2017 key stage 1 tests

Details of the national curriculum tests (SATs) children in year 2 will sit throughout May.

24th March 2017 - This week we celebrated National Science Week. For homework the children designed useful products that could be used in school or the playground. Some children went even further and made models of their designs. Look at the photos below for their brilliant working models.
17th March 2017 - This week the children have been working hard learning about commands and adverbs. They have also been studying addition and partitioning this week.
10th March 2017 - This week the children have been making stormy sea collages based on the work of Turner. First they used water colour paints to create a dark sky wash and a sea coloured wash. Once complete, they ripped the sea wash to shreds and then glued it down in a random arrangement to make it look like a stormy sea. They finished off their work with a small ship, and they look brilliant!
3rd March 2017 - This week we celebrated World Book Day! We completed a range of different book related activities and had a class photo of all our wonderful costumes.
17th February 2017 - We come to the end of a busy half term today, where the children have worked very hard! The photos below are actually from last week, but they show the enjoyment that the children took from meeting the chicks.
10th February 2017 - This week Year 2 have been finding out if any hard materials are absorbent. They tested wood, plastic and metal to see if any of them absorbed water.
3rd February 2017 - This week Year 2 have been investigating waves. They used dominoes to see the ripple effect and blew across a tray of water to see how the water moved.
27th January 2017 - Year 2 had a great time learning about contractions this week. The children learnt how to spell words like don't and can't.
20th January 2017 - This week the children in Year 2 have been locating and labelling oceans and continents on a map.
13th January 2017 - The children had great fun this week testing the absorbency of different materials to see which was the most absorbent. The photos below show some of the close observations the children needed to make during their investigation. Below the photos is a link to the new curriculum letter.
​16th December 2016 - This week we had a special visit from SK Solutions, who presented a certificate to one of the children who was a runner up in the Christmas card competition!
​9th December 2016 - This week we have been practising the Christmas play.
2nd December 2016 - The children have been making and eating healthy sandwiches this week.
25th November 2016 - This week we had a fantastic time riding scooters!
​18th November 2016 - The children have been practising their times tables this week. They used counters or cubes to make patterns that show the five times table. They also played hit the button; click the link below this weeks photos to have a go at home.
​11th November 2016 - â€‹This week we had a visit from Gist, who talked to the children about road safety, with an emphasis on lorries. The children met John who explained how difficult it is for lorry drivers to see pedestrians when they are driving. They also had the opportunity to sit in the cab and find out how difficult it was to see vehicles or people who were very close.

​4th November 2016 - â€‹It has been a fantastic first week back after half term. We have been trying to improve  our teamwork by working in groups to complete puzzles and solve problems.

14th October 2016 - It's been a very busy week in Year 2. The children have started gymnastics in PE and have been writing and singing songs to the tune of London's burning. Check out the photos below from gymnastics.

7th October 2016 - This week we celebrated our class liturgy. The photo below shows the display used at the front of the hall during our service.

30th September 2016 - This week the children have been telling the story of Moses.
​23rd September 2016 - This week we have been learning number facts to 10 and 20. The children created number walls using pairs of numbers, and then using their knowledge of bonds to 10, they created number fact webs.
16th September 2016 - â€‹This week the children have been busy planning stories about an animal they found in the cupboard under the stairs. They have also been writing silly sentences containing the 'dge' grapheme.
9th September 2016 - The children have worked very hard during their first week in Year 2. We have been learning about the value of digits in two digit numbers and what nouns are. The photos below show some different numbers the children have made using Numicon, or tens and units.
In preparation for National Grandparents Day we have written this prayer for our Grandparents.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for our Grandparents and all the time we share with them,

We love going round for tea, having treats and playing with them.

We hope that we can be as kind and loving as they are when we are old.

