Keep up to date with all the latest news and events happening in school at the moment.
The week began with the Junior classes, through special Holy Week Services, leading the rest of the school through the events of:-
• Palm Sunday;
• The Garden of Gethsemane;
• The Last Supper;
• Jesus’ Crucifixion as part of The Stations of The Cross.
Please see their class pages for photos.
Staff members also had a opportunity on Monday to participate in a Prayer and Liturgy in our Faith Room linked to the Stations of the Cross.
On Tuesday it was lovely to welcome visitors from the Hazel Grove Baptist Church. The children enjoyed meeting ‘The Grovers’ (puppets). In the assembly 'The Grovers' told the story of the 'Road to Emmaus'.
St. Peter's Parish has formed a Churches Together group to do what they can to help and support a large group of asylum seekers housed within the parish. We were asked to provide a shoe box gift collection for the children this Christmas. Thank you to all the wonderful things sent in. We were able to create 10 boxes altogether
St Peter's Church
This week the KS2 Faith Council have created tree decorations. These have been added to a tree that is now part of St. Peter's Church Christmas Tree Festival. The trees will be up until after the Carol Service on Sunday 19th December.
The Junior Faith Council on Wednesday afternoon worked together to decorate our school Christmas tree and the Infants helped with our lovely crib.
We are delighted with our newly refurbished room which will become the classroom for Y3 from January 2022.
Today our children took part in a Remembrance Service in school showing a respectful attitude throughout. Well done!
Thank you again for your generous contributions for The Wellspring during this Harvest time. In addition to items that were donated at school, donations through ParentPay totalled £250. Thank you!
Today in the lovely Autumn sunshine the
Y6 and Reception spent a great time together.
Today we had a lovely Special Friends assembly with Y6 and Reception.
Some Y6 children read out their poems about friendships and
some Reception children said what they like doing.
The following poem was shared in the assembly.
Friends at School
Friends at School can play and share.
Friends at school are kind and fair.
Friends at school will talk to you.
When you’re feeling sad and blue.
Friends at school are big and small.
Friends at school are best of all.