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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431


Welcome to St Peter's Reception Class 2016 - 2017

Week beginning 10th July

This week we have been learning about France - the capital city of France, the French flag and all about the Eiffel Tower. We have learnt how to say hello, good bye and my name is… in French. We have also begun to learn how to say the numbers up to 5 in French.

Week beginning 3rd July

This week we have been working together like Tim the Team Worker to make something to go on the water. We have been using chalk to make a picture about the seaside.

Week beginning 26th June

This week we have been making our 'Under the Sea' role play area.

What animals can you see that live in the sea?

Week beginning 19th June

This week we have listened to the story 'The Sand Horse' by Ann Turnbull.

We have made our own sand sculptures.


Week beginning 12th June

This week we have been learning all about fire safety.

We have been finding the different symbols and signs around school that tell us information about fire

e.g. fire exit, fire detector.

Week beginning 22nd May

This week we have let our 5 beautiful butterflies go in our outdoor area, then in our ICT lesson we have been designing a symmetrical butterfly. Also this week we have been busy in our bike shop.

Week beginning 15th May - Healthy Week

This week we have been learning all about the ‘Hungry Caterpillar’ and how to use our Space role play area. We have learnt about what food is good / not good for our teeth from a visiting dentist, as well as how many times we need to clean our teeth and how to clean our teeth. We have run a mile around our field! We have been learning all about germs from a visiting Doctor. We have been printing with different fruit and vegetables. On Thursday we visited Stockport Town Hall and sang lots of Nursery Rhymes. What a week!

Week Beginning 8th May

This week we have been making subtraction calculations using dominoes, designing and building something to go on the moon e.g. toy shop, swimming pool. We have also planted our sweetcorn and cabbage plants, as well as finding some of God's beautiful creatures sure as a ladybird.

Week beginning 1st May 2017

This week we have measured and planted our pea plants. We have been painting our own symmetrical patterns. In our Maths lessons we have been estimating and using a 1 minute timer to complete different activities e.g. How many times can I write my name in 1 minute?

Also we have been designing a spaceship using chalk and talking about it.

Week Beginning 24th April

This week we have been celebrating St George's day in lots of ways.

We have been making castles in and outside of the classroom. We have been counting how many red counters we need to use to make an England flag and decorating biscuits like the England flag.

Thursday 20th April and Friday 21st April

We have been very busy these first two days back in school. On Thursday we made rice crispy Easter nests. Then on Friday morning we spent time with our special Y6 friends making Easter hats in the hall and spending time playing together in the Reception classroom.

Week beginning 2nd April

This week we have been learning about Holy Week in our morning assembles

as well as making our Easter cards.

Happy Easter

Week beginning 27th March

This week we have using dominoes to make addition calculations.

We have been using our tweezers to balance marbles on golf tees and playing in our bike wash.

Week beginning 20th March

This week we have been looking for signs of Spring.

Week beginning the 13th March

This week we have been playing in our Veterinary Surgery.

Week beginning 6th March

We have participated in a lovely Liturgy this week, been on a dinosaur hunt and painted daffodils.

Week beginning 27th February

Reception have had a busy start to this Spring term. On Tuesday we celebrated Shrove Tuesday with making pancakes "Yummy!". We participated in our own Ash Wednesday Collective Worship and have written our own  Lenten promises. On Thursday we all dressed up as a book character e.g. a rabbit whose always late! and a Pirate who Loves Underpants.

Thursday 16th February

On Thursday we showed everyone in our PSHE assembly what we have been learning about in our E-Safety lessons. We learnt about technology in the home and school, about the Internet Rules as well as learning a song from 'Smartie the Penguin'.

Before you tap and click…

You need to stop and think…

And TELL someone!

And TELL someone!

Thursday 9th February

Today we have some lovely, soft visitors to our classroom.

Friday 3rd February

Over the last few weeks the Reception class have been learning all about the Chinese New Year. Today we were lucky enough to have Mr White come in to school to cook a stir fry meal for our Chinese banquet. The children really enjoyed themselves, for some children it was the first time they had used chopsticks, eaten noodles and prawn crackers.

A big thank you to Mr White and Mrs Phillips who helped out.

Week beginning 23rd January

This week we have been making Chinese dragons, watching our mystery egg, different maths and phonics activities, making dinosaur traps outside and working in our bike shop.

Week beginning 16th January

This week we have opened our Chinese restaurant, investigated how we can get the dinosaurs out of the ice, making a hideout, estimating and measuring with feet, making our own dinosaurs with play dough and pasta, looking at a range of fiction / non-fiction dinosaur books, counting dinosaurs into our buckets and watching what is happening to our mystery egg. Wow, what a fun busy week we have had!.

Happy New Year

Week beginning 9th January 2017

This week we have been very busy making our role play area. We have all taken turns painting the scenery and then we have been doing bubble wrap painting to create the texture for the skin of a dinosaur.

Week beginning 19th December

On Tuesday we had a great party day and enjoyed spending time with our special Y6 friends at dinnertime.

Week Beginning 12th December

This week has been a very busy week performing our Christmas play 'The stable Boy'.

The children dressed up as fishermen, angels, stars, animals, camels and shepherds.

Week beginning 5th December

This week in our PSHE assembly about Anti-Bullying we have been showing everybody our work about 'What is a friend? The children have drawn pictures of what they like to do with their friends. Also they have been working like Tim the Team worker sorting out different pictures to show what is a good friend and what is not a good friend.

Week beginning 28th November

This week we have begun to learn about Advent. We have helped each other to make our class Advent Wreath and we have learnt that the 1st purple candle is called 'The Candle of HOPE'.

Week beginning 21st November

This week we have been writing labels for our painted toys to go in our Toy shop

and deciding how much they cost.

Week Beginning 14th November

We have begun to word build using the letter sounds that we learnt so far in our Phonic lessons.

Week beginning 7th November

On Tuesday the children were taught about being safe around large vehicles. They were presented with an interactive presentation inside and outside a lorry was used to give children a practical demonstration of stopping distances and driver ‘blind spots’. The children were given an opportunity to explore inside the cab of the vehicle and get to see first hand the view from the driver’s seat.

Also this week we have been learning about another Religion 'Judaism'. We have learnt that there are special days celebrated by Jewish people - ‘Hanukkah’ the feast of lights.

Week beginning 31st October

This week we have been very busy going on an Autumn walk and making Autumn pictures about something God made for us to look after. We have also been having car races with our Mr Gumpy's car. We have listened to the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' and making obstacle courses and working like Tim the team worker and Thelma the Thinker.

Week beginning 16th October

This week we have been playing lots of Maths games and finding the sounds in our first names with 

our large alphabet. We have also been fitting counters into the letter shapes that we have been learning in our phonics lessons and counting how many counters we have used.

Week beginning 10th October

This week we have been having a go at making our own repeating patterns in Maths

and making Mr Grumpy's car ready for some car races next week.

Week beginning 3rd October

We have been looking around our outdoor area for things that God has made for us to take care of.

Week beginning 26th September - This week we have been listening to the story Noah's Ark.

In our construction area we have been working together to make our own Noah's Ark.

Week beginning 19th September

This week the Reception children have spent some time getting to know the Y6 children.

Wednesday 14th September 

Reception's first school dinner.

The Reception staff have had a great few days with the children getting to know their names,

as well as all their lovely personalities.
