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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431

Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page!

Friday 27th May - The children also enjoyed their visit to Moorfield Fun Day this week. The children below had great fun creating 'tree spirits' out of mood in the forest area. 
Friday 27th May 2016 - The children enjoyed creating an erupting volcano! 
Wednesday 25th May 2016 - The children had great fun visiting Moorfield Fun day! They had the opportunity to try lots of fantastic learning activities. 
Friday 20th May 2016 - This week the children have worked hard to improve their multiplying and dividing skills. Below shows some children playing the multiplying and dividing game with a partner while others practised the bust stop method, as shown by Nicole.  
9th May 2016 - The children have been practising their tennis skills in the beautiful weather. 

Friday 22nd April 2016 - This week the children have been learning all about the Queen in celebration of her 90th birthday. 



Still image for this video

15th April 2016 - This week the children began making stain glass windows in representation of Jesus' resurrection and following that his ascension into heaven. 


8th April 2016 - The children have been designing their own Ancient Greek Olympic Vases. 
24th March 2016 - This week the children had fun playing crab football during our PE lesson. 
11th March 2016 - This week we have had some fluffy visitors in class! 
4th March 2016 - The children have been thinking about the invisible gifts they can bring forward to God during the Offertory at Mass. 
This was "Silly Hat" day.
Friday 11th February - This week the children have taken part in a number of 1960's activities. The video below showcases their 1960's dancing, very impressive! 


Still image for this video


Friday 5th February 2016 - This week in P.E the children have been practising their balancing techniques on the apparatus. 

Friday 29th January 2016 - This week the children began their cress investigation in Science. They asked questions, discussed their method, understood the importance of a fair test and finally planted the seeds carefully with great teamwork. The pictures below display each part of the investigation so far. 

Friday 22nd January 2016- The children are currently studying plants in Science. Last week the children carefully labelled the parts of the flower and later discussed the function of each part. This week the children have studied the life cycle of a plant, gaining a greater depth of  knowledge about each stage. 

8th January 2016 - This week the children have studied fractions. They have learnt about the job of both the numerator and denominator and have put this into practise when finding equivalent fractions and tenths.  

18th December 2015 - Christmas party fun!

11th December 2015 - This week the children have read and reflected upon the story of Zacchaeus. Following this they retold the story using their grammar and punctuation steps for success.

Video of Year 3 singing True Colours.

Still image for this video

27th November 2015 - This week the children have completed their magical fairy tales in English. In light of this we have created a castle in celebration of 'Scottish Day'

20th November 2015 - This week the children have been working hard in computing, creating presentations using PowerPoint. They have worked in pairs to add backgrounds, pictures and heading for each slice of their Presentation.

13th November 2015 - This week the children have been exploring the Indian Folktale of Rama and Sita. They have listened to and read a variety of versions looking for differences and similarities in each. Finally they chose their favourite version of the story and wrote a review.

6th November 2015 - We have been learning about the Gun Powder Plot. We have sequenced the story of Guy Fawkes then completed a firework safety comprehension and designed our own firework using our art skills.

23rd October 2015 - This week we have been finding out all about famous artists from around the Mediterranean such as Picasso, Monet and Da Vinci.

16th October 2015 - Year 3 are holding their gifts from God that they brought forward in their Collective Worship. Our theme was kindness.

9th October 2015 - In Year 3 we have been planning and writing our own explanation texts about our favourite game.
