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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431

Year 2

Year 2 2022-2023

We had a fabulous time making our own wind turbines. We have really enjoyed our Earth Art topic, we have made natural mandalas this week.

We are really enjoying our Earth Art unit.

We are really enjoying our Earth Art unit.

Our fantastic trip on the Menorah Synagogue.

Week beginning 12th June

This week we have begun our new Music topic. We have been listening to Kilar’s Orawa. We wrote about what the music made us think of and how it made us feel.

Week beginning 22nd May

Year 2 really enjoyed planting flower seeds before we wrote our instructions about ‘How to plant a bee friendly garden.’

Week beginning 15th May 2023

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We danced with Katya from Strictly to celebrate National Numeracy day.

Conscience Alley based on our class book The Last Wolf.

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We had great fun thinking of all of these fantastic ideas.

We really enjoyed making our stained glass triangles representing The Trinity of God.

We really enjoyed creating digital art inspired by Mondrian.

Week beginning 27th March

Year 2 have been working hard on division, Toy Story story maps and recounts and Florence Nightingale.

We really enjoyed our tennis sessions with Ben from Davenport Tennis Club.

We really enjoyed investigation waterproof materials.

Week beginning 6th March 2023

We had so much fun making our amazing puppets!

World Book Day 02.03.23

We had a great time celebrating our favourite books today. We have even designed a front cover and blurb for our own sequel!

What a fantastic trip to Cockields Farm. We met new baby animals, went on a duck fact finding trip, fed the large animals, made bird feeders, snuggled with rabbits and guinea pigs and got up close to olds of reptiles.

Week beginning 12.02.23 The day the fire engine came to school

We had great fun learning lots of fire safety with the GM Fire Crew.

Week beginning 06.02.23

We really enjoyed making our finger puppets this week.

We had a fantastic afternoon making our Yayoi Kusama inspired pumpkins.

Week beginning 23.01.23

Year 2 has great fun playing ‘Mimic It’ in our spelling lesson this week.

Week beginning 16.01.23

We made role plays about Jesus and The First Disciples.

Year 2 have had a busy start to the Spring term dealing with the shenanigans of a surprise class dragon! Today we have written to Mr Platt to ask if we can keep him. 

Christmas Party Day

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Week beginning 5th December

We had so much fun finishing our Geography topic off by creating maps of our school playground and hiding secret messages for our friends to find.

We really enjoyed researching owls amd creating our own fact files. 

Waiting for the big surprise...

Poems with actions

This week we have been learning poems with actions.

We have created bar charts about our favourite sports using the IPAD’s.

Week beginning 31st October

We really enjoyed singing ‘Bonfire Night’ and learning about firework safety.

On Monday we celebrated with a wonderful liturgy all about being thankful for everything we have.

Week beginning 10.10.22

We really enjoyed describing emotions and how we all feel differently in different situations.

Week beginning 3.10.22

We have started making our own Pudding Lane to help us understand why The Great Fire of London burned so quickly and was so hard to put out.

Week beginning 26.09.22

We had great fun in PE with Mr Cox. This was our warm up.

Week beginning 19.09.22

We have worked really hard learning about all the different parts of a vehicle, designing our own and finally making our own vehicles.
