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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431


Welcome to the Reception Class Page.

RE - Summer Term 2

Week beginning 15th July

We started the week with our class liturgy, which was lovely. We have been discussing how to be a good friend during throughout the week. We ended the week having great fun dancing during our Golden Time.

Week beginning 7th July

We have had another great week. We have been cracking codes in maths, learning about underwater creatures, learning about seaside safety and playing some really fun games in PE based around the Katie Morag stories.

Week beginning 1st July

We have had a very busy week. We have had lots of fund hunting for shells in the sandpit, counting, finding the mussing numbers. Looking at the story 'Tiddler' and we enjoyed an ice cream for St Peter and St Paul's day.

Week beginning 24th June 2019

I have had a very busy week, but the highlight was sports day. Well done everyone who took part and also supported each other so well.

Week beginning 17th June 2019

This week we really enjoyed bowling with our special friends in Year 6.

We have also been busy planting our beans outside and looking at the things we find in a church. We have been ordering planets biggest to smallest and designing our own underpants because we are reading 'Aliens love underpants'.

Week beginning 10th June

We have had a busy week, recapping 'People who help us' for our PHSE assembly. 

We have been learning about the features of 2D shapes and chalking them outside.

We have been designing and making aliens out of play dough.

25.05.19 -This morning the final two butterflies emerged. Five beautiful butterflies.

24.05.19 -So far 3 of our class butterflies have hatched...

Week beginning 20th May 2019

This week we have really enjoyed learning lots about space. We have been reading 'Man on the Moon.' We have used chalk to draw our own stars and planets outside, begun learning about the shapes of the moon and sorted facts about the earth and the moon.

Week beginning 13th May

This week we have been very busy. Listening to story Whatever Next!, designing and making a rocket, using our new role play area, planting a bean and playing number games.

Week Beginning 6th May

This week we have making our own repeating patterns using 2 or 3 objects,

doing lots of team work activities and painting a symmetrical butterfly.

On Thursday we had a lovely morning at the Town Hall singing lots of Nursery Rhymes.

Week beginning 29th April

Our new visitors have arrived in class and the children are keen to watch them move and grow.

This week we have been using our knowledge of doubles to make addition calculations

Thursday 25th April and Friday 16th April

We have had our 1st PE lesson with Mrs O'Hare. We had to work together to balance a beanbag and a ball on the newspaper across the hall without dropping them. On Friday morning we made Easter nests, yummy! In the afternoon we spent time with our special friends making Easter hats.


Week beginning 8th April 2019

This week we have enjoyed using our numbers and writing in our provision areas.

On Wednesday we had great fun spending our money at the Infant toy sale,

raising money for the Mission Together Jordan project. 

During the week we have been learning about the Holy Week story

and have made beautiful Easter cards.

Week beginning 1st April 2019

This week we have been mixing colours using paint and marbles.

On Wednesday we sang lots of songs about People Who Help Us and Insects.

We have been sorting out farm animals by different criteria's.

Week beginning 25th March 2019

This week we have been doing lots of activities related to weight, height and playing team games.

Week beginning 18th March 2019

This week we have been looking after our pets in our Veterinary Surgery.

Week beginning 11th March 2019

This week we have been recording subtraction calculations.

In our bike area we have had great fun sweeping the water, having a go on our new

plasma car and filling in incident reports.

Week beginning 4th March 2019

This week we have had great fun again!.

On Monday we had a poet visit our school and outside we played counting back games. On Tuesday we made pancakes mmm! We also have begun to learn about Spring and looked at daffodils. On Wednesday Mrs Henderson-Wild came to teach us some songs and we were also part of the Ash Wednesday assembly. On Friday we dressed up as a book character to celebrate Book week .


Week beginning 25th February 2019

This week we have been on a dinosaur hunt!

We have worked together as a team to share ideas to make a Time Machine that would take us to

Dinosaur Land.

Week beginng 11th February - MATHS WEEK

This week we have had loads of fun with lots of Maths activities!

We have learnt about shapes in space with our visiting astronaut. We have made Chinese lanterns from a rectangle piece of paper, we have been learning about lists / money etc. when playing in our Chinese restaurant, we have been making an origami pig from a square piece of paper and doing lots of fine motor skills activities.

Our week finished off with a fantastic Chinese banquet.

Week beginning 8th February

This week we have counting back and subtracting one or more from a quantity as well as reinforcing the vocabulary take away, subtract, subtraction, minus, less than and recognising the symbol - .

We have been like Thelma the Thinker when designing our own 2D shape dinosaurs.

Week beginning 28th January 2019

This week we have worked hard together building a large marble run.

Last Friday we received some mystery eggs and we have been closely watching them.

We have been learning all about adding, CVC and CCVC words.

Wednesday was a great fun day out in the snow!

Week beginning 21st January 2019

This week we have been very busy measuring people and dinosaur footprints!

We have been painting / printing a dinosaur to go in our role play area,

as well as writing a speech bubble to go with them on the computer.

To fit in with the cold weather this week we have cutting paper shapes to make a snowflake

to go with our Winter display.

Week beginning 14th January 2019

This week we have been working like Percy the Participator helping to paint our scenery in our role play area. We have doing lots of different Maths work e.g. we have been using our bricks to build different things using only certain amount of them. On Wednesday we had a lovely treat!

The Y6 shared the toys that they had made as part of their Autumn 2 topic with the children.

Happy New Year

to everyone

We hope you all had a good Christmas and many thanks for all your kind wishes and gifts.


Week beginning 7th January 2018

This week we have been learning about the Epiphany.

We have made crowns fit for a King!

We have begun to learn the special prayer related to Mary - 'The Angelus'.

Week beginning 10th December 2018

Another busy week!

We have been doing lots of exciting things like

being outside with our bikes and scooter equipment, doing lots of creative activities and

performing our Christmas play 'Hooray in a Manager'.

Week beginning 3rd December 2018

This week we have been busy practicing our Christmas play ready for next week.

On Monday we attended our first Whole School Assembly and have begun to learn about Advent.

We have had fun using marbles and paint to make a pattern.

Week beginning 26th November 2018

This week we have been learning about what is magnetic and what isn't magnetic.

On Tuesday we had our cloakroom award treat.

The children had a different type of dance session and even Mrs Finan joined us.

Week beginning 19th November 2018

This week we have been on a shape hunt, playing a counting on game using our numbered snake outside, having fun with the diggers in the soil, playing in our new role area and being like Percy the Participator in lots of activities.

Week beginning 12th November 2018

This week we have been painting our footprint prayers that are to go up in our school corridor.

We have been enjoying being paramedics with our new role play resources.

We have worked like Tim the Team Worker putting number cones in order and then making amounts.

This week we have done our first 'Smile for a mile'.

On our iPads we have been learning to recognise numbers.

Week beginning 5th November 2018

This week we have been learning how to use a Transport survey and record how many different types of vehicles we can see. When we had our bikes and scooters out we also used a coloured bike survey.

At the end of the week we joined the rest of the school in a special Remembrance assembly and printed our own poppies.

Week beginning 29th October 2018

This week we have been painting our footprints, playing different memory games, working together to sort out the alphabet letters and putting 'spikes' on Spikey the hedgehog.

Week Beginning 15th October 2018

This week we have been learning that we all have some things in common with each other and

other things that are different e.g. colour of eyes and hair.

That we are all different and special to God, There is no one else like me’.

That God made us, that He knows all about us -

God knows you so well. He even knows every hair on your head Luke 12: 7.

We have also been having great fun with God's World by playing with lots of Autumn leaves and

then colour mixing and printing with them.