All Together in Faith 2018
On Friday 23rd November, Miss Miller and the Y6 Council members went to Our Lady and the Apostles Catholic Church for the annual 'All Together in Faith' event. This day promoted an awareness among pupils and staff of the Stockport Catholic Schools that we all belong to a wider Catholic Family. This year’s theme was 'Take, Bless, Break, Share; An Extra Slice!'.
The morning was spent with the children exploring these words through four different activities, which then could be applied to their own lives. The children made 'What Jesus would do?' bracelets, learnt about how to help the environment (Laudato si’), created a recipe of thoughts and spent time in discussion and prayer looking at a range of newspaper headlines.
In the afternoon, Mass was celebrated with Fr. Peter. This Mass united us as a community of faith and gave us an opportunity to meet Jesus in Holy Communion. In the words of Pope Francis "The Body of the Lord makes us a single thing, a single family, the People of God reunited around Jesus, the Bread of Life."
Together in Faith 2017
On Friday 24th November ten of our KS2 pupils from the Faith, School, Eco and Crucial Crew Councils represented St Peter's at the Stockport Catholic School "Together in Faith Day". This year the theme was 'Good News is for Sharing'. Through a range of activities the children were challenged to be role models of what it truly means to live the mission of the Christian Life in the 21st century. For most of us this mission is accomplished in the way we live our ordinary daily lives within our family, our school, our place of work and our neighbourhood. The children shared their experiences with the whole school during the assembly on Monday morning. Well done to everyone involved!
Together in Faith 2015
Friday 27th November ten of our KS2 pupils from Faith and School Councils represented St Peter's at the Stockport Catholic School "Together in Faith Day." This year children explored Pope Francis' letter, Laudato Si: On care for our Common Home. They were involved in a number of activities which asked them to consider how they might contribute to caring for our world. The children shared their experiences with the whole school during the assembly on Monday morning. Well done to everyone involved!