Home Page

St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431


Welcome to Reception

Miss Miller (Class Teacher)

Mrs Dickinson, Miss Carroll and Mrs Boswell (Teaching Assistants)

Week beginning 11th July 2022

This week we have been learning to play a dinosaur game and

a counting on and back number game.

We have used out designed fishes that were created on the computer last week

to make an under the sea picture.

In PE this week we were challenged to see how high we can jump, how fast we can jump

using 2 feet together over cones, as well as see how far we can jump (long jump).

On Thursday we spent a lovely afternoon with our Special Y6 friends

playing games, having an ice lollipop and watching a film. 


The Reception Staff would like to say thank you for all your

support this year. It has been a pleasure to have taught your children and it has been an honour to be part of

their 1st school year at St. Peter’s.

Week beginning 4th July 2022

This week we have been learning in Maths how to follow a set of instructions to

build a model that matches the adults unseen model.

We have listened to the story The See Saw by Tom Percival and completed some writing linked to it.

We have listened to the story The Rainbow Fish

and we have drawn our own fish on the computer.

In PE we have used all the skills that we have learnt this year to make up our own games.

On Thursday we spent the morning visiting the Year 1 classroom.

Week beginning 27th June 2022

Our week started off with Sports Day, in the hall!

The children all participated in a sportsmanship way,

cheering each other on no matter what happen such as dropping a bean bag or egg etc.

Week beginning 24th June 2022

This week we have been learning in Maths about doubling and sharing.

We have been discussing and writing about things that we can hear and see at the seaside.

Week beginning 13th June 2022

This week we have been learning about the Queens Jubilee.

Week beginning 23rd May 2022

Thank you to everyone who attended our class Liturgy,

the children impressed us all with their singing as well as learning their lines, Wow!
This week we have been learning about being healthy and on Thursday we had a visit from

Mrs Jepson who came in and discussed about healthy / unhealthy foods,

as well as brushing our teeth. Please ask your children about it

e.g. can they remember how long they need to brush their teeth for?

Week beginning 16th May 2022

This week we have been learning about the first landing on the moon by Neil Armstrong

and the planets in our universe. 

We have listened to the story Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freedman. 

We have used our imagination to design an alien spaceship, drawing it first

and then making it with the construction equipment. 

In ICT program we have drawn our own alien and then wrote about it.

In PE we have been learning games with the hoops.

Week beginning 9th May 2022

This week we have been learning about parts of a rocket, 

listened to the story ‘Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram and 

about new life around us through drawing signs of Spring in our outdoor area.

Week beginning 6th May 2022

This week we have been learning about estimating numbers beyond 10,

learning to play a rabbit and farmer game,

as well as working together in PE to move like an elephant to pick up bean bags / balls. 

On Thursday we worked in groups to plan and build a spaceship.

Week beginning 25th April 2022

This week we have learning about numbers beyond 10,

making our own stain glass window cross, a snail

and writing a list of the things we may need if we were going into space.

21st and 22nd April 2022

On Thursday we had our first games PE lesson with Mrs. O'Hare and

then we went on a number Easter egg hunt.

We made our Easter baskets for our chocolate Easter nests to go in.

On Friday we celebrated St Georges day and then in the afternoon 

we worked together with our Y6  Special Friends to make an Easter hat.

Week beginning 4th April 2022

This week we have been learning all about the events of Holy week,

which have been led by Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6.

We have been having fun making patterns either with a friend or on our own.


Enjoy your Easter everyone, and may you be blessed with joy this year.

Wishing you a season filled with peace, joy, and beautiful weather.

Happy Easter! 


Week beginning 1st April 2022

This week we have had great fun learning all about 3D shapes through various activities.

On Thursday morning we had a wonderful time making patterns

and using our number knowledge in the snow.

Thank you to Mrs Finan for our new class friend, they have called it Kit the cat.

Week beginning 25th March 2022

This week we have been enjoyed playing lots of maths games and singing maths rhymes.

In our growing area we have investigated different mini beasts and

drawn some lovely observational drawings of plants and flowers.

On Friday we participated in our Mission Together colours walk with our Y6 special friends.

Week beginning 18th March 2022

This week we have been enjoying the sunshine and spending time gardening,

watching our caterpillars grow and exploring things all about Spring and minibeasts.

On Friday afternoon we had great great fun throwing our wellies

as one of our ways to raise money for those who need it in the world.

Week beginning 7th March 2022

In math's we have been learning all about the number 9 and 10.

We have been using paint to make some observational drawings of daffodils.

Through the story 'The Hungry Caterpillar' we have been learning

all about the life cycle of a caterpillar.

We have designed our own butterflies on the computer, observed some real caterpillars,

and retold the story of The Hungry caterpillar.

Week beginning 28th February 2022

This week we have celebrated Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes

and eating them with ice cream, sugar, lemon or strawberry sauce.

We began our Lenten Journey by participating in an Ash Wednesday service. 

We also have begun to participate every day with the 'Open For Lent' course.

The children have worked hard in teams this week to create their own time machine.

Week beginning 21st February 2022

This week we have written about our half term holiday, painted our fossils,

learnt about pairs, adding two numbers together and counting on etc.

We also have had an opportunity to spend time with our Special Friends.

Week beginning 31st January to 11th February 2022

The children have been been leaning all about:-

  • Dinosaurs - The children have designed their own 2D shape dinosaurs, they have been fossil hunting and made their own fossil.
  • Chinese New Year - The children have played in the Chinese restaurant, made lanterns and dragons out of Numicon and paper, as well as celebrating with a Chinese banquet.
  • E-Safety - The children have listened to the a story about being safe on I Pads etc. and designing their own I Pad game.
  • Mental Health  - The Children have made their own fruit kebabs..


Week beginning 24th January 2022

The children have been been exploring weight, capacity, length and height in our math's this week.

We have made a dinosaur picture using the computer and printing inks.

We have been sharing our dinosaur books with each other.

Week beginning 17th January 2022

The children have been been adding things to their wintery backgrounds.

Week beginning 14th January 2022

The children have been fantastic stars in their 1st full week back after Christmas.

This week they have been very keen to tell everyone about their favourite Christmas present

by writing and painting about it..

They have been learning about counting back using the rhyme '5 Current Buns'.

They have been designers using our large / small construction equipment

and mixing colours to make a wintery scene.

6th and 7th January 2022

Happy New Year

On Thursday and Friday we have learning all about the Epiphany.

Thank you very much for your lovely gifts and beautiful cards.

We hope you have a restful, fun filled Christmas.

We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.

God Bless

The Reception Team


Monday 20th December 2021

Party Day

Today we were lucky to have a visit from from Father Christmas and play lots of party games.

 Week beginning 13th December 2021

The children have been fantastic stars this week performing their Nativity play

'A very Special Baby'

for their Y6 Special Friends (am) and their parents in the afternoon.


Week beginning 6th December 2021

This week we have been learning our songs and lines for our Christmas play.

In ICT we have designed our own Christmas tree decoration.

Week beginning 29th November 2021

This week began with great fun in the snow! It was lovely to see and hear the children working together,

as well as seeing some very surprised faces of children who had never played in the snow before.

Advent started on Sunday 28th November,

so this week we have begun to prepare for Christmas in our classroom.

Week beginning 26th November 2021

This week we have been finding different ways of making 5, taking turns on a Phonics game, using the benches in PE and enjoying our disco treat linked to the 3 rosettes for the tidiest cloakroom award.

Week beginning 15th November 2021

This week we have been involved in lots of wonderful exciting things - 

Class Liturgy, Special Friends Assembly, Boogie Bounce, National Nursery Rhyme, National Road Safety, our opening of our shop and Anti-Bullying activities linked to friendship and kindness. 

Week beginning 12th November 2021

This week we have learning about 2D shapes particularly circles and triangles.

We have worked together to sort circles and triangles and

have made pictures linked to the artist Wassily Kandinsky.

Week beginning 1st November 2021

This week we have learning more about Autumn and have painted our own Autumn trees. 

Week beginning 18th October 2021

This week we have listened to the story 

We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Were going on a Lion Hunt by David Axtell.

We have worked together like Tim the Team Worker to make our own obstacle course

and explain to the other half of the class what we did.

Last week we collected Autumn things on our walk.

We have work together like Percy the Participator with our partners to make

an animal out of the Autumn items.


Week beginning 15th October 2021

This week we have listened to the story We're Going on a Leaf Hunt by Steve Metzger.

In class we have been investigating different objects linked to Autumn.

 On Thursday we went for a Autumn walk collecting things

that can be used next week in our Creative RE.

Our walk finished in our school prayer garden where we said some prayers to God

Week beginning 8th October 2021

This week we have listened to the storyMr Gumpy's Motor Car’ by John Burningham.

We have used marbles and paint to decorate our footprints and thought of a thank you prayer to God.

On Friday R and Y6 spent time together .

Please look at the school website, parents section, latest news for some photos of the afternoon.

Week beginning 1st October 2021

This week we have had fun exploring our construction equipment despite the rain.

On Wednesday we had our 1st PE lesson in our PE kits. 

Week beginning 24th September 2021

Wow, another busy week!

We have had our first go on the school computers in our ICT suite playing a number game.

Week beginning 13th September

Welcome everyone to St Peter’s Reception Class Page.

The Reception staff have had a great 1st full week with the children getting to know their names, as well as all their lovely personalities. They will be tired this weekend, sorry!!