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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431



Mission Together fundraising

Well done to the children in Year 6 who completed an Art challenge to raise money for Mission Together. They created beautiful images using the Mission Together colours. Thank you for the generous donations.

Thank you for your donations to this year's Harvest collection for
The Wellspring. 

Children visit The Wellspring

Harvest collection for The Wellspring Thank you!

Mission Together (The Pope's Official Charity for Overseas Mission)

On Monday 25th February 2019 Mrs Dearden, a representative from Mission Together, visited our school and led an assembly which helped us all to understand this year’s project of prayer and fund raising to help children around the world. Each year Mission Together highlights one of the many projects supporting children across the world. This year’s campaign focuses on Sandra, a seven-year-old pupil at Marka School for Iraqi Refugees in Jordan.

You can find out more information at

The Mission Together prayer is a prayer that the school will be saying and using sign language  to say throughout Lent and into the Summer term.

Mission Together Prayer

May all children

In the world

Share love

Share friendship and live

In the peace Of God’s love.

Now and forever.


Thank you to everybody who brought (and then bought) bags of sweets

at the Christmas Fair in support of Mary's Meals.

Year 6 visit The Wellspring.

Mission Together (The Pope's Official Charity for Overseas Mission)

On Monday 12th Febraury 2018 Mrs Dearden, a representative from Mission Together, visited our school and led an assembly which helped us all to understand this year’s project of prayer and fund raising to help children around the world.

Mission Together encourages children in England and Wales to pray, fundraise and become missionaries themselves - children helping children

Under its original name of Holy Childhood, Mission Together has been active in Catholic schools for one hundred and seventy years. Through the financial contributions of children in England and Wales, Mission Together carries out educational, medical and welfare projects in the poorest areas of the world. Over generations, Missio's work with children has helped to build the family of God. Being universal in character, our projects tend to the needs of all, regardless of background or beliefs; exemplifying the all-embracing nature of the Catholic Church.

The Mission Together prayer is a prayer that the school will be saying throughout Lent and into the Summer term.

Mission Together Prayer

May all children

In the world

Share love

Share friendship and live

In the peace Of God’s love.

Now and forever.



We have received a thank you letter from Caritas for the donation of gifts at our gift Mass.

Infant Production - 12th & 13th December 2017

The raffles at the Infant production raised £255.70 for Age UK Stockport.

Thank you to all families for their support of our work again this year in raising funds for the

Mission Together charity. Well done children!


St Peter's Catholic Primary school supports various charities throughout the year.

Below are some examples.

Below are letters and thank you certificates for the money our children raised during the Lenten Appeal. 

Gift Mass - December 2016


Thank you once again for your generous contributions our Gift Mass.

Representatives from Caritas in both Shrewsbury and Salford were delighted to receive so many gifts which will be distributed to children in each diocese.

Signpost Young Carers

Thank you for all your kind donations at the Infant and Junior Christmas productions. We raised £341.89 for Signpost Young Carers.

The Wellspring


October 2016


Thank you for your generous contributions to our Harvest collection for The Wellspring. 


A representative from The Wellspring was delighted to receive all food donations from the children.

Sweet Treat Charity Fundraiser July 2016

Thank you for supporting the Sweet Treat sale organised through the School Council in July.  A total of £52.00 was raised.  At the children’s request, the money will be split between Winston’s Wish and Little Princess Trust.

Winston’s Wish is a charity which offers practical support and guidance to bereaved children and their families. Members of our school community have direct experience of the good work that they do.

Little Princess Trust is a charity that provides real hair wigs to boys and girls across the UK who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment.  Last year one of our Y6 pupils had her very long hair cut to support this initiative. The children wanted to show their support of Niamh Gallagher by making a donation to the charity.

Well done, everybody!

Lent 2016

During Lent this year the children raised £1091.64.

This money is to be split between ‘Mission Together’ and ‘Education Must Continue’.

On Monday 4th July Mrs Dearden from Mission Together came to school for a ‘Celebration’ assembly and she was presented with a cheque by some members of the Faith Council.

January 2016

Gift Mass - December 2015

15th December 2015 - A lovely Gift Mass was celebrated in school on Tuesday. Once again many thanks for your kind donations. Representatives from both Salford and Shrewsbury Diocese who attended were very grateful for your generosity and support.

Infant Production - 8/9th December 2015

The raffles at the Infant production raised £264.15 for Age Concern and The Wellspring.

Scottish Day in aid of Mary's Meals

St Peter's School raised a total of £710:00 including the government match aid which will feed 59 children for a year. Fantastic! Mr White wishes to thank everyone who contributed raffle prizes, the PTA who helped with the food and all who bought raffle tickets.

27th November 2015

  • Mission Together

This is the Pope's overseas mission charity for children and this year the campaign is Together in Malawi. Mission Together has produced an Advent Calendar for us to use with the children. Attached to the children's homework sheet this week is a copy for you to use at home. The children will also be following it with their class teacher. This year, the theme is 'Light' - both the light of Christ and how every child can shine in their own special way


  • Francis House Children's Hospice

This is a charity which we have supported because of our strong connections with the children. It is linked with the Hazel Grove Cluster of Primary schools who join together once a year at the Carol Service held at Norbury Church of England where there is always a speaker from Francis House and a collection. During our KS1 Infant Christmas plays money has been raised through raffles to support this charity.

  • The Catholic Children's Society

The Good Shepherd Appeal is a nominated charity from the Bishop. In Lent each week the Junior classes create a variety of games which the whole school can participate in. In the final week both KS1 and KS2 bring in toys for a toy sale. All the money raised help to support the poor children of our Diocese.

  • South Manchester Down Syndrome Support Group

St Peter's joined together with other schools to support this charity by wearing "Lots of Socks" on the 21st March. The day was to raise positive awareness of Downs Syndrome.


