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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431


At St. Peter’s we want every child to be enthusiastic learners of history. We would like our children to have no limits as to what their ambitions are and grow up wanting to be historians, archivists, museum curators or archaeologists.  Our aim is to ignite a curiosity to learn about the past and make sense of the world in which they live as we inspire them in the subject to prepare them for further historical study in secondary school. We teach children a sense of chronology and enquiry skills to learn about the past and in order to develop a sense of identity and a cultural understanding. We want children to develop techniques and skills to appropriately use research and sources to develop a range and depth of historical knowledge. We aim enable our pupils to make links and connections across different periods, societies, events and developments and enrich their knowledge and understanding by giving opportunities to learn beyond the classroom. We aim to make all children aware of the actions of important people in history and enable children to know about significant events in British history. Topics are planned to ensure that children have opportunities to revise and revisit skills they have learnt whilst appreciating how things have changed over time.

St. Peter's History Topic Overview EYFS- Year 6

History in Action!
