Welcome to Year 3's class page!
We look forward to sharing what we have learned each week.
Wednesday 24th July
We have a had a fantastic final few days of Year 3! This week we particularly enjoyed spending time outside for a maths challenge. We also shared our favourite memories of the year and the children thought about what they’re looking forward to in Year 4. The children also enjoyed competing in various team challenges and games.
It has been a pleasure to teach Year 3 this year. Thank you very much for the lovely cards, kind words and generous gifts. I hope you all have a wonderful summer!
Friday 19th July
On Tuesday we went to the Royal Northern College of Music for the ‘Summer Spectacular’ by Stockport Music Service. We enjoyed listening to lots of different instruments and we joined in with some of the songs. What a great morning!
Friday 12th July
Year 3 enjoyed an excellent day at Bramall Hall on Tuesday. They enjoyed taking part in lots of activities and they learned about different aspects of Tudor life. The children then wrote fantastic fact files to share what they have learned.
Friday 28th June
What a busy week! This week Year 3 have enjoyed:
Friday 21st June
This week we enjoyed creating paintings with the theme ‘God’s love helps us to blossom’.
Friday 14th June
This week the children set up an investigation to learn about what plants need to survive and grow.
Thursday 23rd May
This week the children have started to learn about capacity and volume. We estimated the capacity of each container and then we measured them outside.
Have a a lovely half term everyone!
Friday 17th May
This week we have enjoyed learning about different types of poetry. Here is a video of Year 3 performing the first part of the poem ‘Lone Dog’.
Friday 10th May
This week we have enjoyed learning about play scripts. We have written and performed our own scripts. In RE, we have been learning about the Visitation. We have also created earthquake safety posters in our Topic lesson.
Friday 3rd May
Today we finished painting our Greek ceramics. We can’t wait to see them on display! This week we have also been researching our class Saint, St. Thomas More.
Friday 26th April
Today we have celebrated St George’s Day. In Year 3 we have been learning about the British value of mutual respect. The children have worked in pairs to create these PicCollage acrostic poems of the word ‘Respect’.
Friday 12th April
This week we shared the story of Palm Sunday in our Holy Week assembly. In class, we have been writing and performing poetry. We also enjoyed an outdoor Easter arithmetic hunt - what a great way to end the term! Have a lovely Easter, everyone!
Friday 5th April
What a busy week we’ve had in Year 3! On Monday, we had a great afternoon taking part in the Easter trail at the Baptist Church. On Tuesday, we had a visit from Mr Holt, a ceramics artist. The children all worked hard to create a Greek vase - we can’t wait to see the finished results! On Wednesday, we enjoyed taking part in lots of activities on our retreat day. Have a look at the pictures below to see some of our highlights.
Friday 29th March
Today we have been estimating, recording and comparing the time taken for different activities.
Friday 22nd March
Today we enjoyed our Greek food tasting session! This week we have also made some posters showing signs and symbols of Easter. In Science, we used mirrors to walk along wiggly lines - it was difficult because the mirrors reflected the light. Have a look at the pictures below to see how we got on! We were also lucky to have a visit from a professional athlete, Sarah McKeever.
Friday 15th March
This week the children enjoyed working in pairs to identify the features of an explanation text. We looked at examples in the book, ‘Until I Met Dudley’. We have also been investigating reflective materials in Science.
Friday 1st March
We have had another very busy week in Year 3! In PE with Mrs O’ Hare, the children worked in teams to solve problems, using different equipment. In Science, the children worked in groups to sort objects depending on whether or not they were sources of light. We have also enjoyed practising times tables using Times Tables Rockstars!
Friday 15th February
We have had an excellent week enjoying lots of great Maths activities! Have a look at the pictures below to see a snapshot of some of the things we’ve been involved in for ‘Maths Week’.
Friday 8th February
This week we had a circle time which focused on things that we can do to look after our mental health. The children had lots of great ideas!
In our our science lesson, the children discussed how we know that dinosaurs really existed. They then ordered the stages of the fossilisation process.
Friday 1st February
We have had another busy week in Year 3! This week we have enjoyed reading some different Greek myths, and learning about what happened during the battle of Marathon. The children also had lots of fun playing out in the snow in Wednesday.
Friday 25th January
Thus week we enjoyed creating art inspired by ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’, using either watercolour paints or oil pastels. We have also been learning to find fractions of amounts.
Friday 18th January
This week the children enjoyed working in pairs to create story maps to retell the story ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’. They have also been rock detectives! On Thursday we used magnifying glasses to help us make scientific observations and identify different rocks.
Friday 11th January
Happy new year and welcome back! This week the children have enjoyed acting out some scenes from our new book, ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’.
Wednesday 19th December
This week we have been taking part in lots of Christmas activities and celebrations. We celebrated Gift Mass, enjoyed our Christmas dinner and Christmas party, and we also performed some festive favourites at our carol service. Well done to the children for working so hard this term. We hope you all enjoy a well-earned break. Merry Christmas everyone!
Wednesday 12th December
This week we have enjoyed adding the finishing touches to our tribal masks. Can you guess who is hiding behind each one?
Friday 7th December
We have had a very busy week in Year 3! Have a look at the pictures below to see some of our highlights, which include:
Friday 30th November
This week the children have created Popplets to explain what happens during the Sacrament of Reconciliation. They enjoyed working in pairs on the iPads.
Friday 23rd November
We have been working hard in maths to multiply and divide by 3 and 4. The children enjoyed working in partners to ‘spot the mistake’ yesterday. Also, have a look at some of our Turkish delight adverts!
Friday 16th November
This week we went outside to investigate which objects in the playground are magnetic. We reported our findings using Pic Collage. The children have also been identifying the features of adverts. Have a look at the pictures below to see what we have been up to!
Friday 9th November
In our RE lessons this week we have been learning more about Judaism. Here are some Popplets that the children created to retell the story of Abraham.
Friday 2nd November
We have had a busy first week of the half term! The children have been enjoying our English lessons, which have been based on ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. On Tuesday, they blended oil pastels using cool colours to create the lettering for our ‘Narnia’ display.
Friday 19th October
We have had an excellent final week of the half term in Year 3! This week the children have been scientists, investigating and learning all about muscles, strength and exercise.
Well done children for all your hard work this half term! Have a lovely half term break.
Friday 12th October
This week the children enjoyed working in partners to create skeletons. They then labelled the bones in the skeletons. Ask your child if they can tell you how many bones an adult human has!
Friday 5th October
This week we have enjoyed doing some autumnal paintings. The children also enjoyed playing a maths game to help them learn to add 3-digit numbers and ones.
Friday 28th September
This week we have enjoyed being creative, whilst preparing for our class liturgy. We have been learning about Pope Francis’ message about looking after our planet.
Friday 21st September
We have had another busy week in Year 3! The children have been working in groups to create their own version of a traditional folktale. They have also been using Scratch to design their own animations.
Friday 14th September
In our science lessons this week the children have been learning about the diet of different animals, and whether they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. They have also reviewed data from a food survey, and they have used this to draw a bar chart showing the number of portions of fruit and vegetables eaten in a week.
Friday 7th September
The children have had an excellent first week of Year 3! In English, we have been looking at different books written by Michael Foreman. In maths, the children have been learning about place value in 3 digit numbers, and they have been using their knowledge to answer reasoning questions. The children have also started their new topic ‘Rainforests’.