Welcome to the Reception
Class Page 2019-2020
To Reception,
What a strange year it has been! It is such a shame our year together was cut short but it helped to keep everyone safe and well. We are so proud of you all for working so hard and being absolutely amazing during this difficult time!
The Reception Staff would like to say thank you for all your support.
Parents / Carers it has been a pleasure to have taught your children and it has been an honor to be part of their
1st school year at St. Peter’s.
We can’t wait to see you all again in September!!
The Reception Staff
Week beginning 9th March 2020
The children went on a leaf hunt to find a selection of laminated leaves. Some of the leaves had letters on it to spell Zacchaeus and Jesus. Some had pictures on them related to the Bible story. The children collected the leaves and then sorted them into order and discussed the story.
After this activity the children played the game:-
"What Do You See Zacchaeus?"
As the people were waiting patiently,
Zacchaeus climbed up in a great big tree. They said,
"Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus, what do you see, way up there in the Sycamore Tree?"
"Zacchaeus" then holds one hand up over his eyes and says something he sees.
Zacchaeus repeats this rhyme:
I can see everything from up in this tree, and I can see Jesus pointing at me.
Week beginning 2nd March 2020
On Thursday we leant about 2 stories from the Bible (related to World Book Day) –
Feeding of the 5000 (class teachers favourite New Testament story) and Noah’s Ark.
We then worked together to build an Ark with the construction equipment outside and then acted out the story.
In Maths we looked at the number pattern 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,12… which linked to Noah's Ark.
We also worked like Tim the Team worker, Thelma the Thinker and Percy the Participator to sequence pictures related to the Noah's Ark story.
Week beginning 23rd February 2020
This week we have learnt about why we have pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Lent,
Then we made pancakes and we could choose what we would like on it: ice-cream, sauce, sugar or lemon.
On Wednesday we learnt about the technology we have inside our school.
We have been singing 10 Green Bottles and then taking turns playing a counting back game.
To finish off our dinosaur topic we have been making our own dinosaur skeleton pictures.
Book Character Day
What a great time yesterday! The children were fantastic.
Thank you for all your efforts making and putting together the costumes.
Week beginning 10th February 2020 - READING WEEK
Here are some of the things we have been learning about this week:
Week beginning 3rd February 2020
This week we have used a range of numbered dice to make different amounts with dinosaurs, as well as use them with a Numicon game. We have been writing CVC words that rhyme with pit and sorting out objects to a match a sound. We have created a dinosaur scene on to top of our mixing coloured sheet.
Week beginning 27th January 2020
Wow! we have had a busy week.
On Monday we began with a 2D shape hunt and
then worked like Tim the Team Worker sorting out the shapes.
On Wednesday 2 mystery eggs arrived - What will happen to them? What is inside them? etc.
We have been mixing the colours red and yellow to make a scene for some dinosaur prints.
Using different items in the classroom we have been measuring different dinosaur footprints.
To finish off the week some amazing 2D shape dinosaurs have been created.
Week beginning 20th January 2020
Happy Chinese New Year
Chinese Banquet
The children’s behaviour was excellent when we had our Chinese banquet today.
Everyone had a good try at tasting the stir fry and using the chop sticks!
A big thank you to Mr. White for cooking and Mr. Smith and Mrs. Phillips for helping us.
Week beginning 13th January 2020
In Maths this week we have been looking at missing numbers, hearing and using the vocabulary more than / less than / in between. Also in maths we have been participating in a transport survey and then finding which was the most / fewest modes of transport.
We have started to learn about the Chinese New Year by making our own lanterns and making a part of a whole class Chinese dragon. In our P.E. we have been learning about the Chinese News Years parade.
Week beginning 6th January2020
Happy New Year
This week we have enjoyed finding out what we were lucky enough to get from Father Christmas.
Outside we have been working like a team ordering numbers, adding numbers and matching amounts.
Thank you very much for your lovely gifts and beautiful cards.
We hope you have a restful, fun filled Christmas. We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.
Love from
The Reception Team.
Week beginning 16th December
We have had a lovely week. We had party day on Tuesday, We ate Christmas lunch with our Special Friends, played lots of party games and even got to meet Father Christmas.
Week beginning 9th December 2019
This week the children have delighted us with their singing, behaviour etc. in their
Infant Christmas play 'Hay Presto.' Well done everyone!
Week beginning 2nd December 2019
This week we have attended our first Advent Assembly and
have learnt about the first candle on the Advent wreath.
We have learnt about the Annunciation and listened to the Nativity story
We have made an angel using triangles and a circle.
Week beginning 25th November 2019
This week we have been doing different activities linked to the first line of our
Mission Statement ‘If we follow Jesus, the world will follow us!’
Week beginning 18th November 2019
This week we have been listening to stories linked to Friendship. We have made a class Friendship Tree.
We have enjoyed shopping in our new role play area - a supermarket.
Week beginning 11th November
This week we attended the Remembrance assembly and
thought of all those who have been effected by war.
In class we have been learning a new ordering numbers game on the IWB.
We have been sharing stories and working together using some of St. Peter's Family to make e.g. jigsaws, castles, walls etc.
Week beginning 4th November 2019
This week we have been on a shape hunt in our outdoor area.
We then worked together to sort the 2D shapes.
Also this week we have been finding out who is God's treasure.
Who do you think it is?
Week beginning 28th October 2019
This week we have been reading the following books: -
Were going on a bear hunt, Were going on a leaf hunt and Were going on a lion hunt.
In groups of 15 we have been making our own obstacle courses using our St. Peter's Family to help us.
Blue and yellow obstacle course:-
walkway, swishy swashy grass, water and waterfall, through the pipes, over the track, wooden bridge, jump in the leaves, under the train track, steppers, tight rope and into the cave.
Red and Greens obstacle course:-
woods through the hoops, over the bridge, river with stepping stones, jumping over wooden blocks, splish splash in the mud, squishy squashy leaves, pink grass, boat, path leads to waterfall and cave.
Week beginning 14th October 2019
Our story book this has been about 'The Magic Bed' by John Burningham.
Outside the children have worked well making their magic beds and drawing where their bed could travel to.
In our bike area we have been learning how to do a bike survey.
The children have had great fun trying to label the animals in our God's World area, as well as finding them in our Bibles.
On Wednesday afternoon we all went on a nature walk working in pairs collecting Autumn things.
Afterwards we went into our prayer garden to thank God for all the things He has made.
In our twos we have been like Thelma the Thinker and Tim the Team worker making an Autumn leaf animal picture.
Week beginning 7th October
This week we have listening and talking about the story ‘Mr Gumpy's Motor Car’ by John Burningham.
We made large cars out of our outdoor construction equipment and small ones in preparation for a car race.
Week beginning 30th September 2019
We have been listening to the story ’Oi! Get Off Our train’ by John Burningham, and made trains out of different items both inside and outside e.g. to use Duplo to carry different sized animals.
Week beginning 23rd September 2019
This week we have been learning how to use the road works and mechanic shop equipment.
We have been working together inside and outside of our classroom like Tim the Team Worker.
Week beginning 16th September 2019
This week we have had fun in our bike area.
We have also had great fun getting to know about the different things that we can use in Reception.
Week beginning 9th September 2019
Welcome everyone to St Peter’s.
The Reception staff have had a great week with the children getting to know their names, as well as all their lovely personalities.