Friday 17th June 2022
Today we celebrated the Queens Jubilee by learning about the Queen,
designing our own crowns and writing about the Jubilee.
23.05.22 - 27.05.22
RE - The Ascension.
Year 1 celebrated the feast of the Ascension this week. They watched Father Peters Ascension Day service and also carried out some work in class. The children learnt about the events of that day and explored what Jesus promised to the disciples. They considered what the Holy Spirit was and how God wants us to use it in our lives. The children then created a piece of art work where they could show Jesus ascending into heaven by using invisible string attached to their work. Brilliant work Year 1 :)
16.05.22 - 20.05.22
RE - Liturgy - Resurrection
This week the children led another class liturgy on the theme of Resurrection. The children worked hard to select hymns, readings from the Bible and also they work they wanted to share. The children helped to create a fantastic structure to the liturgy and shared their reflections with their families and Father Peter. Well done for another fantastic liturgy :)
09.05.22 - 13.05.22
English - Poems About Nature
This week Year 1 returned to reading and enjoying some poetry. The children shared some poems about nature and discussed what they enjoyed about them. From this the children created two poems about nature. Frist they used descriptions of areas of nature around the world to create a poem then created an acrostic poem about the seaside. Well done for creating amazing poems Year 1 :)
02.05.22 - 06.05.22
Maths - Capacity & Volume
The children have been learning about capacity and volume this week. They have worked on comparing and measuring different capacities and volumes. Mr Reynolds took the children to the outdoor classroom for a chance to practise estimating and measuring different volumes of liquid. The children worked really hard all week on this topic and continued to use a develop their explanations and vocabulary.
25.04.22 - 29.04.22
Topic/PE - Mini Olympics
The weather was finally on our side and we were able to carry out our Year 1 mini Olympics. The children have learnt all about life as an athlete and how to live a healthy lifestyle. The children were in groups and each selected a country from a different continent to represent. The children moved from event to event and completely threw themselves into every activity. What a fantastic afternoon Year 1. You were incredible :).
21.04.22 - 22.04.22
St George's Day
In preparation for St George's day the children explored the story of St George slaying the dragon. The children had to work together to sequence the story using images and sentence cards. Well done Year 1!
04.04.22 - 08.04.22
RE - Holy Week Events
The children have over the past few weeks been learning about the events of Holy Week. The children created some beautiful pieces of art work, writing and role plays within class to reflect their understanding. They also helped to create a fantastic artistic RE display in the classroom. They were able to watch assemblies led by our KS2 classes about each event within Holy Week. Well done Year 1 for not only completing such fantastic work but also being so respectful throughout each assembly.
Celebrations for Mrs Finan.
The children were allowed to select activities they wanted to learn or carry out more of, as part of our farewell celebrations for Mrs Finan. Year 1 wanted to learn some more Irish Dancing in homage to Mrs Finan and also complete some more arts and crafts activities. We eve had time to make some Easter treats for our friends in Year 2 and also try some healthy alternatives to some of our favourite foods.
Year 1 had a fantastic final few days with celebrating all that Mrs Finan has done for the school and we wish her well in the future.
28.03.22 - 01.04.22
Topic - DT
We have been learning about living a healthy lifestyle. This week we focused on the food that we eat and recognising the different food groups and how to maintain a balanced diet, in preparation for our upcoming cooking lessons. The children learnt the names of the different food groups and the properties of food within each one. Working collaboratively the children had to use a selection of foods and place them on a plate in the correct groups.
21.03.22 - 25.03.22
Mission Together Fundraising.
As part of our Lenten fundraising the children took part in a 'treasure hunt' style activity. They had to solve clues and puzzles to spell out a word in order to receive their prize. The children were fantastic and worked exceptionally well as a team to solve each step of the puzzle. The children enjoyed a teddy bears picnic and even enjoyed an ice lolly in the sunshine! Brilliant work Year 1.
14.03.22 - 18.03.22
Maths - Measuring in cm
We have been working on measuring using standard units. The children completed a range of tasks to measure throughout the week and enjoyed our active maths lesson and helping each other to record the distance of their jumps.
07.03.22 - 11.03.22
World Book Week Celebrations
The children have spent the week learning about traditional tales and exploring their features. We celebrated world book day on Friday by dressing up as a character from any traditional tale. Well done Year 1, you all looked amazing!
28.02.22 - 04.03.22
Music- Exploring Instruments
This week we had the pleasure of welcoming Mr Smith into our class to carry out a lesson on exploring the musical instruments at school. Mr Smith helped the children to recognise the name and the correct ways to play many instruments. He also taught us some fun songs and also we started to read some music. Thank you Mr Smith, we loved sharing a lesson with you.
21.02.22 - 25.02.22
Children's Mental Health Week Celebrations - 7/2/22 - 11/2/22
We had a fantastic week before the holidays recognising and learning about children's mental health. The children took part in lots of activities to develop and equip them with different skills to manage in a range of scenarios, within their day to day life. The children learnt about developing a growth mindset, taking care of our bodies and minds and learning how to be kind to ourselves and celebrate how special we all are as individuals. The children also got to make some fruit kebabs with support of members of the PTA. Thank you for a super week!
07.02.22 - 11.02.22
PSHE/ICT - E-Safety Week
We have been learning about e-safety. The children completed some research from home and had to bring their findings into school to share with their friends. We presented our facts and discussed the safe ways to use the internet and tablets/computers. The children were excellent in sharing their knowledge and showed confident skills in knowing the correct way to use the internet and devices. Well done Year 1 :)
31.01.22 - 04.02.22
Topic - History - The Olympics
This week the children used their knowledge of continents to help find and locate on a map places where the winter and summer Olympic Games have been held. The children had to work in groups to pin point six locations on a map. Well done Year 1 for your fantastic understanding and reading of a map and your team work :)
24.01.22 - 28.01.22
Topic - Geography - Continents & Oceans
We have been learning about the continents and oceans around the world. We began by learning the names and how many of each there were. The children then created a map of the world each and had to plot them on it. They then moved on to finding some facts about each of the continents and oceans. Watch this space for our final piece of work about this!
17.01.22 - 21.01.22
PE - Gymnastics
This half term with the support of Mrs O’Hare, our schools specialist PE Support teacher, Year 1 are working to develop their gymnastics skills. The children absolutely love this invaluable teaching opportunity and can’t wait for PE every week. This week we focused on developing our rolling skills and using muscle tension to control movements. We love PE!
10.01.22 - 14.01.22
Maths - Partitioning into Tens and Ones
Year 1 have been working hard on recognising two digit numbers. They have used base 10 throughout the week to show they can partition two digit numbers into tens and ones. Well done Year 1. Keep up all the hard work 😊
20.12.21 - 21.12.21
Christmas Message 2021
Team Year 1 would like to wish all the Year 1 children and their families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We hope you all have wonderful holiday and enjoy some time to relax and see your friends and family. See you all in 2022! 🎄
13.12.21 - 17.12.21
Year 1 Nativty 2021
This week the children performed their first Nativity for an audience. After some last minute changes Year 1 excelled and showed their knowledge of the Nativty story in a superb fashion. A huge congratulations to all of the children for working so hard and being so adaptable. All of the rehearsals and final performance were excellent. Your school family is exceptionally proud of you 🤩
06.12.21 - 10.12.21
Christmas Preparations 2021
Year 1 have been very busy this week finalising all things Christmas preparations! They have been putting the finishing touches to their Nativty performance and prepping for our upcoming Christmas celebrations, work and activities. Watch this space to be WOWED by our amazing performance in this years Nativity. Thanks Year 1 for all of your effort this week. You really are the best little elves.
29.11.21 - 03.12.21
English - Features of Written Instructions
This week the children had to work together to become features detectives. Using their developing knowledge of written instructions, the children had to write down the features they were able to find in a selection of different types of instructions. Well done Year 1. You all made excellent detectives 😊
22.11.21 - 26.11.21
Religion - Class Liturgy.
The children took part in their first ever class liturgy. Their chosen theme was Creation and Gods Great World. The children were excellent in helping to prepare and choose the reading, prayers and hymns. They shared their knowledge with confidence and faithfulness. Well done Year 1 for a fantastic first liturgy, You were wonderful :)
15.11.21 - 19.11.21
Boogie Bounce
We had an exciting activity this week at St Peter's. The team from Boogie Bounce came to get us active and engaged with a different style of physical activity. The children took part in a trampoline/dance experience. Below are some photos of the event. The children loved this experience and were all fantastic. Amazing work Year 1 :)
8.11.21 - 12.11.21
Science - Seasons and leaves
This week, in Science, the children produced some excellent leaf kebabs! We went on a hunt for different types of leaves and searched for the most interesting shapes and colours. Following this, the children chose a suitable kebab stick from the ground and threaded the different leaves onto it. Once complete, we used information from the Woodland Trust (see PDF below the photos) to identify the leaves that we had used.
01.11.21 - 05.10.21
DT - Making a Pirate Ship.
This week the children worked hard to create their own pirate ship. They had to paint and decorate their ship and then assemble the pieces together. The children had lots of fun designing and decorating their ships and they all look amazing! Well done Year 1 :)
18.10.21 - 22.10.21
Maths - Number Bonds to 10.
The children have been working on hard to recognise number bonds within 10. They worked in pairs using the cubes to find as many different ways as they could to make a total within 10. After a tricky start, the children remained resilient with their learning and became increasingly confident as the week went on. Well done Year 1 :)
11.10.21 - 15.10.21
PE - Multi-skills
During this half term, the children have been working on their fundamental movement skills and developing their throwing, catching and controlling skills. The children also have taken part in several team building games where they have had to solve PE themed problems. Linked to our RE work this week we used the rainbow symbol, and dug out the parachute to end our lesson to round off our team building games for the lesson. Well done Year 1, we had lots of fun!
04.10.21 - 08.10.21
Reading - Reading for pleasure.
We love to listen to and read different stories and texts in Year 1! This week, Mrs Atherton treated us to listening to the story 'Burglar Bill' by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. The children were hooked and had lots of fun listening to and discussing parts of the story. Thank you to Mrs Atherton for sharing one of your favourite stories with us! We can wait to listen to and read more stories together :)
27.9.21 - 01.10.21
English - Sequencing & Re-telling A Story.
This week we used the story of 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea' as our focus text. The children had to sequence the story and then using puppets were asked to re-tell the story in groups. Well done Year 1. You performed very confident and accurate puppet shows. Well done :)
20.9.21 - 24.9.21
Religion - Creation
This week the children learnt about the story of Creation, from the Book of Genesis. They made picture storyboards to show the order of Gods creation. Then, using items from around the classroom, they had to work in groups to put together a visual representation of this knowledge. Well done Year 1. You worked hard at each activity :)
13.9.21 - 17.9.21
Geography - The UK
This week, in Geography, the children learnt about the countries within the UK and its capital cities. They began by exploring the UK and looking at it on a map. They had to practise recognising the names of the four countries then, using the outdoor UK map in our playground, work as a team to establish the location of each country. The children had lots of fun working together and all did very well with this activity. Well done Year 1! Excellent start to our first Geography topic! :)