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St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431

Our School

Pupil Voice

At St Peter's, pupils, staff, parents and governors are continuously working together to further improve our school. We value pupil contributions and provide opportunities for both formal and informal Pupil Voice. In addition to School Council, Faith Council, Learning Council,  Eco-Council and Crucial Crew, all children belong to Pupil Voice ' animal' groups. These are led by all staff and members of the governing body. Reception children are in the same group as their Special Friends from Y6. The meetings take place each term with a specific agenda to discuss e.g. Do they feel safe in school? Different topics are discussed every term.

For example, previous pupil groups took feedback on:


  • End of year transition – sharing information about what to expect in each year group

  • Feeling Safe in and around school

  • Anti – Bullying 

  • Approaches to the curriculum

  • Feedback  on the school library


Comments from Year 6 pupils have been included below to give you a flavour of ‘What Our Pupils Say.’


‘St Peter’s school is special because it feels like one BIG family.’   


Pupils were asked for their thoughts on our school, below are some of their responses. 


Pupil Voice 

Pupil voice groups meet once a term. There are approximately 24 groups of around 12 mixed aged children who are allocated to a key member of St. Peter's staff as well as some school Governors. Reception children are with their Special Friends from year 6. The meeting take place on a Monday afternoon with a specific agenda to discuss e.g. Do they feel safe in school? Different topics are discussed every term. Feedback from pupils informs future planning for the school.
