To celebrate Bastille day we learnt about the storming of Bastille prison this week, we made our own versions of the prison and the Bastille column.
We had a lovely time on our Science trip this week.
Year 4 stunned their audience in their performance of ‘The Journey’ this week.
This week we had so much fun at sports day. Everyone did so well.
We had a fantastic day on Friday celebrating The Queen’s Jubilee. Thank you to the PTA for our treat at the end of the day!
We have been looking at minibeasts and the detail in the macro photography of Levon Biss. We used some of his images to help us explore different minibeasts.
The children created stunning pieces of artwork to represent The Holy Spirit during Pentecost.
We had great fun creating calculation bugs in Maths.
We made Easter biscuits inspired by Maltese Figollas. We had a lovely morning and the biscuits were yummy!
We had great fun in our ball skills session with Mrs O’Hare.
Obstacle courses and a danceathon... who knew hard work could be so much fun!
We really enjoyed some creative Religion work this week. We became journalists interviewing Some of the disciples after Jesus was arrested in The Garden of Gethsemane.
We have had a great week in Year 4. To celebrate National Science Week we have been learning all about our teeth and how the keep them healthy. About the different parts of our teeth, the different types of teeth we have and their roles when we are eating. In PE we been developing and refining our ball skills and working on our eye tracking.
We have really enjoyed World Book Week. Our class book was Little People, Big Dreams, David Attenborough. We have researched explorers and animals, explored Non Fiction texts related to our theme, written a fact file about Sir David, created soundscapes of different habitats and completed scientific drawings of our chosen animal.
We have been exploring fractions this week. We stared off looking at different ways of showing fractions and have ended the week looking at equivalent fractions.
What a fantastic week we have had. We have been celebrating Children’s mental health week. We have made posters to enter into the Beacon Counselling Competition, the posters show what we do and who we turn to to support our own mental health. We were also treated by the PTA, Mr Reynolds and some children from KS1 to a smoothie on Thursday afternoon, they were yummy. Thank you!
Week beginning 31st January 2022
We had great fun in PE learning an Irish dancing routine. I was very impressed!
We had great fun this week playing ‘Maths Duel’ writing multiplication questions for our partner and racing to get the answer.
We found using LS. Lowry’s limited pallet really difficult at first... but look at the fantastic results. These paintings are based on a photograph of our school playground at lunchtime.
We started our new topic of ‘Sound’ this week. We enjoyed investigating vibrations and sound waves with string telephones.
We enjoyed Christmas dinner, party music on Thursday.
Year 4 have been impressing us again with combining different balances with apparatus, that they safely got out and put away themselves. Well done Year 4.
We worked together to create this beautiful display. On one wing we visited out friends in the class and wrote some of our favourite things about them. On the other wing we had to work really hard to write what we like most about ourselves. We have really enjoyed reading all the lovely comments.
Year 4 worked really hard in gymnastics this week. We have been exploring symmetrical and asymmetrical balances and working together to create a programme with control and flow.
Year 4 have had another exciting week. It is Anti bullying week, we’ve spent a long time thinking about how to spread kindness.
Also on Thursday we had a blast in boogie bounce which was great fun and a super new activity to try out.
This week in RE, children read the story of Jonah and the Whale from the Old Testament. Together we discussed how sometimes it may be hard to trust in God, especially when you are faced with something unfamiliar or challenging. Following this the children worked together to create freeze frames for each part of the story.
We really enjoyed completing our electricity unit. We made touch sensitive light wire games.
October is Black History Month, in class we have learnt about James Somerset, Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks. Then we learnt Something inside so Strong. This song was written by Labi Siffre, the song has strong messages about standing up for your human rights and doing what you believe is right. The children have really enjoyed learning about the different experiences that people have had and have really enjoyed learning this song, which they sing so beautifully.
Year 4 have worked tremendously hard on their Roman inspired mosaics, with spectacular results. We hope you’ll agree.
We had so much fun creating our own switches in science this week. It was so satisfying when we made a full circuit.
We all enjoyed some calm time together in prayer and liturgy lead by the children this week. Their theme was ‘Our Happiness’ for National Smile Day (01.10.21). We all thought about our own happiness, people/things that make us happy and how we can others feel happy. The boys shared a passage from the bible that made them feel happy. We were set a mission to make other people smile and made a lovely class display out of our happiness promises and prayers.
We have had another great week in year 4. We have played some really fun number games in maths both in the classroom and in the playground. The children have also written some really interesting fables and been very busy editing them themselves.
We have had great fun this week creating different circuits and experimenting with the equipment.