Our Approach to supporting 'Wellbeing' in School
We promote 'Wellbeing' for all pupils through our whole-school curriculum. Our 'Ten Bees' promotes much of our work in this area. We have a comprehensive RSHE programme in place to support our children's wellbeing - this is age-appropriate.
In school, all of our children belong to a 'Pupil Voice' mixed age group. These consist of 10 children from classes from Reception to Year 6, the group led by either a member of staff or governor. The groups support are aim to ensure that every child in school has 'a voice' which is heard. Our Pupil Voice groups take place each term and discussions are often linked with wellbeing.
In addition, we also base specific curriculum work around the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing' with a structured, age-appropriate learning scheme in place. Each half-term we focus upon a different strand covering: Discover, Taking Notice, Connect, Give , Move.