Home Page

St Peter's

Catholic Primary School


Tel: 0161 483 2431

Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 Class Page 


Friday 20th December

A very civilised game of pass the parcel during our party day this week, plus the photo of our final preparation for ‘Hooray in a manger’.

Friday 13th December

Final preparation for one of our performances and a few photos from our wonderful Christmas dinner.

Friday 6th December

A geography fact hunt on show here. The children had to answer questions about London and Quito (capital of Ecuador) before comparing their answers.

Friday 29th November

The children's knowledge of their world is growing and this week we learned about some of the physical features of Ecuador.

Friday 22nd November

Some examples of science and topic work this week. The children have loved learning about the continents and the oceans.

Friday 15th November

This week we’ve been choosing respect as part of anti-bullying week and learning about Judaism. During maths, the children worked well to solve problems.

Friday 8th November
Year 2 started gymnastics this week. They worked safely to get the mats out and showed great skills when moving round the room using different jumps and quarter turns.

Friday 1st November
The children have been learning about the challenge of persevering at a task. They were asked to make a bridge over a river using only paper and glue. They could fold, roll or tear but not cut the paper. It was tricky and eventually we found a solution together.

Friday 18th October

We’ve had a great final week with lots of great topic work, including the fire safety homework task. Some examples can be seen below.

Friday 11th October

The children have been working hard looking for habitats in the school grounds this week. They've also learned some new games in PE.

Friday 4th October

We started the Rosary challenge this week and the children have responded beautifully to this daily reflection.

Friday 27th September

PE and some finished vehicles in the gallery this week. Next week we start learning about the Great Fire of London.


Friday 20th September

Lots of fun painting the body of our vehicles in Year 2 this week.

Friday 13th September

This week we've been building and testing out different wheels and axles in preparation for making our vehicles. We had fun trying fixed and loose axles, and a variety of different wheels.

Friday 6th September

First week completed, and what a great week it has been! The children have settled in quickly and shown great independence. The photos below were from our active maths lesson where the children collected twigs and arranged them to help count in twos.
